ummh.... suck it up buttercup. just part of climbing.
Clothes full of wood chips are a badge of honour.

ummh.... suck it up buttercup. just part of climbing.
Rumapart from sawdust I'm always findin beer bottle lids in my pockets... any advice on prevention fellas?
ummh.... suck it up buttercup. just part of climbing.
Lol, I just recently got a pair of Pfanner pants from my boss and while I would never pay that kind of money for pants I love them and could see buying the $100 climbing pants just for comfort. Zippered pockets are perfect for keeping the saw dust out, also have little hooks for your laces to keep your boots from filling.100% sure fire way to keep saw dust out of boot. Duct tape. The first couple times hurt when you take the tape off but once all your leg hair is gone its not bad.