Saws on Ebay

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Info from this site is great ammunition no matter how a saw is bought. There are deals out there, but I do agree it's a seller's market. Case in point: I found an 066 listed by a pawnshop not too far from my location. At a $239 buy-it-now, a reasonable description, and 100% feedback rating that checked out legit- I figured what the heck. If it was a pig I could sell for parts and not be out a lot of money, or I could just drive my butt to the pawnshop and work it out. Description was dead-on, everything except the chainbrake was great. I could see in the picture the chainbrake was screwed up which is no biggie. I should receive soon the needed parts from someone on this site.

Since the 066 runs great and is more than light enough for me (one stocky ugly knuckle-dragging dude), I decided to sell a recently acquired MS310. Including shipping and insurance it sold for $405. I lost very little if anything on the 310 and now have a solid 066 for about $260 spent on the saw so far. I will say that the 066 feels lighter than expected which is a vote for magnesium cased pro saws. Now I'll spend less time on stumps and some of the big ol' oak blowdowns I usually get for firewood. I know a bit about small engines but learned quite a lot from this site. So... Thanks!
I got a small echo on ebay for $100 off store price including shiping. Thing was brand new, still had factory finish on the bar and sprocket never turned a chain. I got luck but will probably never do it again, too much risk for the amount of money.
Oh, FYI regarding my signature-

"If you object to logging, try plastic toilet paper."

Not a wanna-be logger, but my company does tons of business with the major board mills and paper mills. I have that bumper sticker from one of my customers. I'm all for responsible forestry, and there's nothing wrong with making the best of our renewable resources.
fishhuntcutwood said:
How much do they charge for that?

Too much, if you have the time. It's just automated good auction technique. Don't get in there early and start throwing money around. You can do the same thing from in front of your keyboard.
BlueRidgeMark said:
Too much, if you have the time. It's just automated good auction technique. Don't get in there early and start throwing money around. You can do the same thing from in front of your keyboard.
"Bid High and Bid Early" rarely works any more as you are competing with sniping. I gave up a year ago and went over to one. I win all my stuff now (90%) by using My bid get's placed about 10 seconds before the end of the auction. This way I don't show my hand, and don't get bid up or beaten by $1... If you can't beat them, join them....

You could try running the software on your own system as well. There are a few Open Source software projects out there that handle this.


or maybe:

You can also search for other free software. Free as in "Free Beer" and Free as in "Independance".

Job Cacka
i used auction sniper last week for the first time and got a brand new 395 with 36in bar for 616.00. and it arrived today.
Instead of ?????ing about the high prices on E-bay and the silly totals, you all sell instead, and not complain or post one bit? That is what I do.

The fall is the best time.

I feel guilty when they bid a used part way over retail, but "Momma didn't raise no fool!". I gladly sell it to them. I rarely sell whole saws, but for "parts only", and if the
saw runs, I carefully detail how it runs, whether the oiler is putting out, etc.
I would be rich if I could shovel the poop better, or even bend the truth better,
but I have this bad habit of saying things, that I percieve to be true.
However this perception might change, depending on the beverage flow at the moment.
BlueRidgeMark said:
Too much, if you have the time. It's just automated good auction technique. Don't get in there early and start throwing money around. You can do the same thing from in front of your keyboard.

No you can't.... I used to try to do that, but you just can't beat an automated sniper... I set mine to 3 seconds sometimes. Try to beat that - you won't even see my bid before the auction is over. There's another really good reason to use a sniper - I set mine up days in advance with my max bid. Doesn't matter when the auction ends - I don't have to be online and just get an email telling me if I've won or lost.
Does anybody try humor in their eBayware listings? I'm curious to know if it helps to bring a better price, or maybe sell an item that otherwise wouldn't draw much attention.

I recall two AS members with ROTFLYAO eBayware ads, one for a nice motorcyle (John? Cinco?), and one for a rust bucket truck (Derek?).
I usually try and keep it good humored, but stern enough to get the point across that I dont take kindly to scams and rip off people.

It also depends on how many cocktails I have had before I sit down to put something up for sale! 5:30 I'm cordial. 6:30 I'm Mr. happy dance. 7:30 and your either rollin round laughing or you can not make sense of the ad at all.

Anybody see the guy that was selling a roadtrip around the country with his hippy bother in law? Now that was hilarious. I'll see if I can find the link.
A wile back there was musician with two listings auctioning nothing. That's right, nothing. The first one was a hit, so he started a second auction.
I think there an auction for a box, maybe a PlayStationII or XBox I can't remember, & it was for the box. Apparantly a lot of people didn't read the ad very carefully.
I swore off e-bayware for awhile, but like an alcoholic that has fallen off the wagon I'm back to looking and buying :eek: Probaly because the time change is coming up and will have more time in the shop at night and it is lot cooler at night than during the summer. Gotta pile of saws that need fix'in as it is, guess I'm glutton for more punishment. Also going to try my hand at selling on e-bayware and see if I can't get some of my money back that I have spent, ya right :rolleyes:

OK, how does one go about getting an automated sniper???? I understand what it does, what exactly do you need to have one???? Is this something e-bay offers??
