scared of Rocky

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i think the brashness can hold back quieter possible contributors.

i would think that with all of the pro-gressiveness and education to evolutions in care, climbing and tools etc. that it would be mutely self evident that the more thoughtful; less charging blindly up the hill people we would want to hold here. And, i have always thought so.

i don't think that the questioned climate is conducive to the learning and sharing of quieter minds; let alone them feeling they have a place here. i have watched them fade; kinda 'polled' them afterwards etc.; invited back etc., send interesting links to threads here and at TB. i'm still trying to figure out if real tree geeks was supposed to be complimentary or not when referring to our bro's thar.

i have been here a while, and know that Brian didn't invent the stuff here; nor is the only part time perpetuator; many times i have thought even though i don't always go along with his stuff; that he ends up also carrying the load for others as we speak of these things, so think everyone can check themselves.

Originally posted by TheTreeSpyder 2002
Hear ye, Hear ye;
Be it known to all:

That below are my real feelings on all this as i have posted previously. i have tried to keep the peace in many ways with many pleadings, both publically and in about 30 or so private messages attempting to plead, disarm, charm, humor, rationalize, mentor etc. This extends to the pre-Forest era, of negative, disrespectful energy dis-played. Even in such simple things as not standing by and watching Rog's pix efforts disrespected; and participating in buying whatever shirts i could; showing as much respect, support and participation as i myself would like if i were those parties.

With great nausea and a running depression of a few daze, i posted that last post above in disgust and sarcasm to my efforts of peace and technical posts, and in an honest, blatant, raw disclosure of what i felt the prevailing attitude of some to be, the message that became clear to me, for my efforts, as well as others. i'm sorry, but that fits a few of you, and i all ways am this peace-full person, but in this case hope those representations to be scalding of a few of y'all inside.

But, i say we have all failed, that if 2 say those things about 'us', 20+ have left without the respect of such a salutation/explanation; why would they bother? So as these 2 raise their hands to be counted, my heart sinks; for i have settled here, to give the most to the most (people), and have those people making me think as i due they, that leverage has dissipated.

i reach deep to bring forth some of the things i painstakiningly have wrought, almost like a deep soul searching and assembly of my experience, i need meditative kinda peace for that. i was not given that, as others weren't, yet went on, answering my own posts, few joined, as the responses and reads were tied up elsewhere, in such emergency importance and distraction, that overrode the amount of 9-11 posts.

Humility keeps me from saying i am thee most disgusted, for the energy and self i have invested here. For i must stop and reflect of JP's 2800 posts and efforts, Darin's bringing this all about and the folx at Sherrill as they sponsored and others. i sincerely hope ya all above, others of peaceful searching and those associations made previously to this board, saw enough of me before, to see clearly through my ploy. Of course, there are others, perhaps too many to name to give such credit too also, perhaps afraid to forget 1 or 2 if i listed individually; y'all can sort yourselves out, for some of ya, it is about time!

i seriously doubt that these instances have only ruined this board for me.

Take care,


jun 30

i see peoples wanting to be looked on as polished profession-alls; carrying on like they were loud, rowdy roughnecks behind a seedy bar; trying to intimidate and prove each other out. i guess that is the ugly side of male competition; but think it should be channeled and controlled better! The war is in the fieds against gravity and injury i feel; not against one of the few on the planet that could rescue you in an emergency the way we push the odds. Nor against the only, almost chosen; few that can share and expand your own experiences; and also can do so through this medium.

i see the possibility of quiet thinkers and learners (with their own enrichening contributions) shying away from these loud, unsettling abashments; - short changing all. For i have felt these tides in myself; but have chosen to stay in the thin times; but what of those i try now (and previously) to speak for?

i think this board is great; and perhaps haven't thanked ya for it lately. But; i think it is great and dynamic enough, to try to be just this good positive, shining thing you have birthed, without the rest. i hope i am never really taken negatively, all ways and always try to peacefully present and explore. Ok lil'sarcasm and word-play for balance too!

Thanx for everything;
and as always
thanx for your co-arboration!,

Jul 07:
If Y'all wanna be the Supremes,

You must learn

the write tune.


What it really means to me;


Originally posted by SilverBlue
I don’t get the point. Arborists are supposed to be strong men not whimsy butt kissers or sensitive gurlies. Some men are leaders and most are followers. Brian is a cool dude so leave the man alone and finish knitting that sweater for your girlfriend. :rolleyes:

I have to disagree with you there. Are you still on fence? Not sure what direction you want to go in? I workand perform productively just as much as the next guy out there and better than most. I've had my pelvis crushed by 1 ton log and still finished my tree. I'm tough on the job but when I get home I leave it all at work. Nothing wrong with a man knitting a sweater for his girl or being sensitive maybe watching an occasional romantic movie and maybe crying its OK. No sense in going around so bitter and angry and not loveing.
Circa 2002

Originally posted by trees4life
I thought this site was supposed to be a forum for professionals. I haven't see much professionalism lately. Thanks gentlemen, this was once my favorite site, but all the childish name calling, accusations and constant digs have become too much. It's worse than listening to a bunch of snotty high school girls. I would use the ignore button, but there are far too many I want to ignore. I'm sure I'm not the only one fed up here. Do some of you think could think about growing up any time soon? Just thingking about some of you children working with dangerous equipment gives me the chills.
Originally posted by CJ-7
I, even as a non-professional (at least in tree care), agree with trees4life. I would rather read your posts about climbing, rigging, safety etc. than this recent tirade. Hey, how about a separate forum titled "So you wannabe a tree guy?" so I can tune for laughs occasionally.
So, there we were; the quieter people talking about what we look like; i responded bluntly with what i thought was the attittude expressed and percieved:
Originally posted by TheTreeSpyder
:angry:Well to heeel with you guys ;
isn't it obvious we have already made our choice in that matter?

Can't you see by the comparative amount of reads and writes in other categories that, this is what we want here?

Whom do you say yourselves to be, that expect anything else?
Do you really think we care?

This is our home to belch and fart in as we see fit;
please feel free to do what you like in your own house,
for we feel free to do as we please in here.

We all indivi-dually, know all the components of our work,
and jealously guard them from lil'wannabees.....
When we have time, we may see fit to show you our stuff.

But, until then; have google change our search category if ya like,
if that is how you got yourselves here, obviously it was a mistake,
but definitely couldn't be on our part.

Ya got that this time?:angry2:


That lead to my previous post's 2002 quote; i had messaged CJ and Trees4life on the side; that they were not my quarry; they were not whom the clear ticked off message was for. Of course Trees4 didn't check PM; and i had to apologize and work that out for my efforts....

"In the universe, there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." – Carlos Castaneda "A Yaqui Way of Knowledge"

What is the meaning and intent of pushy brashness and negativity. If force never dies, just passes and changes form; how many handoffs and permutations does it take for someone to ground out the nasties to positve? We work amongst other large natural forces like no other all day; that function the same; borne of the same world and conditions, subject to the same pulls and pushes. Can we see to learn from them?

Or, something like that!

Last edited:
at least ya know whom i'm talking about.......

lots of experts respect those writings; they pop up here and there......

That particular quote was the basis for Dr. Wayne Dryer's research/books on the power of focused intention; as it culminated what he was trying to come to; and released him to go on with what he has.

And i think Dryer (PBS specials etc.); is right on point; and i guess that line of thought i have tried to relate several times about the force of our words etc.
was thinking the original murph staement here and its a shame if new people read posts here and deceide not to write or post questions. true that there are a core group of regulars that go back and forth here, but the knowledge available outweighs the squables. so what if some people are more aggressive, life as it is. if someone cant take rock(or someone else) staring them down online, how are they going to standup to that first angry boss or PO'd client when its right in their faces?
the AS still posts a welcome to every new member and i think thaat says enough right there...all are welcome. we need those younger people to ask new and sometimes old questions to keep us all on our toes.
Originally posted by BigJohn
I work and perform productively just as much as the next guy out there and better than most. I've had my pelvis crushed by 1 ton log and still finished my tree. I'm tough on the job but when I get home I leave it all at work.........
Some find relaxation after a hard day in a barroom brawl, some don't. In a learning exchange, i think the constant environment is counterproductive, especially to a quieter mindset; or one already weary of all the pushing and shoving as they sought to find their way to the cabin that day.

Some would even say that we are all wariors in the field against the largest of odds all day; and the examining, and undoing of the day could be more relaxing. The boots not worn in the house, in some ways symbolic in some regions...

Different Jokes, fer Different Folkes i guess!
I don't understand it though cause I know my man Steve aka husky isn't afraid of anyone. He'd tear into the squirrel like a cat in person. Or maybe he was just hitting the sauce that night.
the guy who this is about he said he doesn't like to post her cause of Rocky. That I don't understand because the night we talked to him he had all sorts of stories and wanted to kill everyone. He's like a chiwhawha.
Gee, I'm only afraid of Big John! He might not tell me anymore climbing tips or offer me some of his new cord.

What does all of this relate to, ..., aproval and low self esteem. That is what we should be talking about.

And let everyone know that those shades of thinking are not about being the tree.

Ya, Butch will go, ..., Hugh?

Rocky is a cool dude in his own way. 99% of what he has to say is spot on, its just not sugar coated. If you ever met him in person you wouldnt be so afraid, He is a hell of an Arborist, but he is a lousy trout fisherman.

Originally posted by RAHTREELIMBS
I know the man that Murph is referring to probably better than anyone on this site having worked with him off and on over the last 2 years. He has a lot to offer on just about any subject that comes up. Wait a few more years and it will even be better!

Then, this person should have the right to feel comfortable exercisng the expressions of these things; for themselves and us. If there is one admitting it that is trackable, there are surely more gone without notice, that noone knows etc. Noone should sweat any ol'boys club here etc. That is wrong.

The atmosphere here sometimes can be non-conduscive to such ideals; and it isn't right; it never has been right as it has come to that from time to time. That unfairness then flows like a negative wave, from the negative force; others mimic, compete, affecting the sponsors, Darin, we lose others contributions etc. That is wrong.

In some ways it gleans a certain set that will hang no matter what, so are intense, straight contributors etc.! But, over time; what groups etc. of other people have been combed out? Somehow i think the more progressive tree health etc.; would be one group with tendencies leaning away from noise etc.

i think some have been so gruff, that it is hard to read their words with out hearing anger in them; IMLHO, that is way overboard.

Surely there is work to do somewhere........
i think some have been so gruff, that it is hard to read their words with out hearing anger in them; IMLHO, that is way overboard.

Originally posted by TheTreeSpyder

i don't think that the questioned climate is conducive to the learning and sharing of quieter minds; let alone them feeling they have a place here. i have watched them fade; kinda 'polled' them afterwards etc.; invited back etc., send interesting links to threads here and at TB. i'm still trying to figure out if real tree geeks was supposed to be complimentary or not when referring to our bro's thar.


I for one appreciate a considerate reply and thoughtful forwards or interesting or useful information. I do not like conflict, personally, and prefer to dwell somewhere else as this is a big world.

I have posted some and lurked even more for a few years and have come to know and respect some of the posters on this forum though I don't always agree with the tone of the response. I for one have been chastised "as one of those guys" because I didn't have a chip truck though I chip mountains of trees though my whole story wasn't known. That type of smart response is probably what keeps some people quiet. Nobody wants to be chastised...especially when they are seeking information and help from others who offer it freely.

Anytime there is a forum like this, you see the clicks develop. You can see the snide remarks and the offending posts that take away from the importance of forums like this. I have learned a lot. TreeSpyder's insightful hinge forensics sticks in my mind as much as "being one of those guys" so why can't the remarks be positive with an occasional good humored roast?

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

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