Hope you guys are enjoying your cool weather. This is the live temperature readings a 3.30 pm. the 44°C temps are headed my way tomorrow.... Can't wait.
View attachment 554834
Looks like I'd be heading to Melbourne or lower lol
Hope you guys are enjoying your cool weather. This is the live temperature readings a 3.30 pm. the 44°C temps are headed my way tomorrow.... Can't wait.
View attachment 554834
Yes we have those load limits here too.MI allows trucks to weigh up to 160,000 pounds. So during the spring when the frost is coming out of the ground those weights are reduced to limit the impact on the roads. We call them "frost laws"
Sent from a field
Me too. She's a beauty. Just what I need.That's very cool, and I remember it. I want to do a dormer on the front of my place that way, but I'd probably end up covering it all up to make it an air lock of sorts to get into the house which would be sort of a waste as I'd like it all exposed.
It sure has been an odd yr.
Im glad it's cooled down a bit, but it's going to take a while for it to get froze back up. I did rip out two 5-6" box elders today root ball and all as well as a cherry about the same size. I'll probably cut thoseup with the 201 rear handle when I get a minute as I've only made one cut with it so far.
We built a 32x48 with a 10' lean to at my buddies last summer. I can't remember if I posted pictures here or in the GMT.
Sorry if I did already, but it is a nice building. View attachment 554103
I managed to run a saw a little, here's my better side cutting one of the poles, please don't call osha on me guys(pretty sure I had my safety glasses on).View attachment 554104
here's what we scrounged Saturday out of the neighbors after a logging job a few years ago. mostly red and white oak (sorry Canada) it's starting to go down hill but stihl lots of good wood. put the 241 to work along with the 026 and used the 036 for some noodling.
View attachment 554856 View attachment 554857
here's what we scrounged Saturday out of the neighbors after a logging job a few years ago. mostly red and white oak (sorry Canada) it's starting to go down hill but stihl lots of good wood. put the 241 to work along with the 026 and used the 036 for some noodling.
View attachment 554856 View attachment 554857
Yup that's crazy, it's definitely the owners problem.A friend the wife works with her landlord had a big ash tree taken down and told the tenant it was her problem (which I don't get at all).
Needles to say I went over today and picked up this trailer load then there's probably another trailer plus a truck load just from the stuff they stacked up to get it out of the yard. Then... there's still the whole base which I'll have to take the splitter over just to make them movable.
them's the size the customer likes. 16". the customer is always right. "Steve we like your wood 'cause we don't have to fight to get it in the stove".Why are you cutting them to baby sized lengths?
Looks like the doghouse nearly got it. Was the dog in there when the tree came down?No big huge piles of wood unfortunately, but a tree came down in my yard, beech I think, was pretty dead but it thankfully missed the house. Close though. But it felt good to fire up the 1 year old 550XP. I burn about 4 cords in winter. Cut standing trees myself, nervously, just beginning. But anyway, yeah, burning it right up. Here's some pics,
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A friend the wife works with her landlord had a big ash tree taken down and told the tenant it was her problem (which I don't get at all).
Needles to say I went over today and picked up this trailer load then there's probably another trailer plus a truck load just from the stuff they stacked up to get it out of the yard. Then... there's still the whole base which I'll have to take the splitter over just to make them movable.
No big huge piles of wood unfortunately, but a tree came down in my yard, beech I think, was pretty dead but it thankfully missed the house. Close though. But it felt good to fire up the 1 year old 550XP. I burn about 4 cords in winter. Cut standing trees myself, nervously, just beginning. But anyway, yeah, burning it right up. Here's some pics,
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Looks like the doghouse nearly got it. Was the dog in there when the tree came down?
Yup , what Steve said , it don't sound right but you might want to meet the guy and find out if he has any more rentals lol
Polly a couple of cord in that line of trees way close to the house lol
Pffffffft , oak , shmoak .....
Dog will be used for small game hunting?No, dog house empty. Thankfully, just got new dog about a month now. Actually the wife got a new dog, lap dog. Probably will never go near that dog house. Its the kind the wife puts little coats on lol.
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