G'day scroungers! Today was the day to get back into the groove and work off some Christmas flab that has still been hanging around. Overcast and cooler conditions today with rain coming. A look at the radar told me that I could probably get an hour of scrounging at the Lady Farm before I got rained out. Just as well because I only had 1 tank's worth of 2-stroke left.
Off I went and found a likely looking candidate. First rule of scrounging in Australia - assess for drop bears.
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Drop bears negative. Second rule - pray that Limby starts. Set to Run. Deep breath. Pull. BANG! Two months off and Limby fires up first pull. Seconds later...
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Limby powered through. The operator needed a breather or two. Sure, I could have used a smaller saw, but why use a smaller saw when you have a bigger one?
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This peppermint was out on his own a bit with no other trees in the immediate vicinity which gave me hope that he was largely termite-free. And it virtually was, this wood is ready to burn and absolutely prime.
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I didn't have the lady farmer's ute today so I just stacked it up for convenient pick up at a later date. There's probably a bit over a cube there, mebbe a third of a cord or so.
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There's also some branch material there that I'll use as part of our community bonfire in May that Cowgirl helps organise (and I build, douse in diesel and set fire to).
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You can ride up front today, Limby. Just don't leak stuff on the seat.
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On the way out, I chucked the last blocks that I cut in late November from the blue gum in the back. The grass has died off a bit now which gave me a better look at and under it. It looks like I'll be able to get another couple of loads out of it which will be good dense stuff for burning in a couple of years time.
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