Well , I put my saws away for the summer ,way too much wood in the piles , retire for the summer and relax , fire up the bbq and drink plenty of beers , I'm not gonna cut another stick , no siree bob ...
Then the phone rings , it's the fella that owns the property that I have access too , wanting to know if I could drop a few trees for him , he said he could crush it with the excavator but he thot I might want it .
Be right up I told him LOL
Nothing glorious but spruce is spruce and it's all mine

A bit of a mess but nothing complicated .
The last one .
All mine I tells you , all mine lol
Here's another use for brush , I laid it over a band of mud to keep from getting my boots full of it , lay it over the muck hole and it's like it's not there .
It's Good Friday and was a good Friday

Scrounge on ladies !