Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I qt. hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
2 tsp. dish washing liquid

double or triple the mixture for a large dog. Don't wet the dog, put solution on a dry coat. Rub the coat for 5 minutes, or until the smell starts to dissipate. Rinse and repeat ( up t0 3 times). There is more, but you get the idea. This is the recommendation of several vet sites. Don't get solution near their eyes,hydrogen peroxide will burn them.
No Porkey-Pines in Alabama.
The only two I ever seen were in a "Petting Zoo".

We have had armadillos for 30 years. Dang UGLY things.
They far outnumber "Possoms" feet up on the sides of the roads.

We have had fire ants for about 35 years. I wish they would all just die.
Coyotes far about 40 years. Could do without them as well.

We have had armadillos for 30 years. Dang UGLY things.
They far outnumber "Possoms" feet up on the sides of the roads.

We have had fire ants for about 35 years. I wish they would all just die.
Coyotes far about 40 years. Could do without them as well.


What I am not looking forward to is killer bees showing up, also all these weirdo tropical diseases, ebola, chikagunya whatever that is, spelling, etc.

Ya, judging by what I have seen of the armadillos so far, they are "possum in a can".
We got lots of tick borne diseases that can really mess you (& your dogs) up. They never used to be here, and you don't have them further upstate.

Some say it is not a coincidence that Lyme CT is right near Plum Island, which was a Federal infectious disease research center. The inference being that Lyme disease was created.
We got lots of tick borne diseases that can really mess you (& your dogs) up. They never used to be here, and you don't have them further upstate.

Some say it is not a coincidence that Lyme CT is right near Plum Island, which was a Federal infectious disease research center. The inference being that Lyme disease was created.

It could of very well happened that way. And they certainly wouldn't admit to it.
Man, trying to not completely derail this wood thread, just found out this ebola deal, they have been claiming a 21 day incubation period? We have all read this. OK, that is for *most* people infected, a small percentage, it can be as long as 41 days! Around 2 percent and change can be that long. So someone can sit in full quarantine for the 21 days, look and act normal, no symptoms, and still have it. Ain't that special.

direct press release from WHO
Good of you to offer up that wood to someone in need svk. Doubly good if it was scrounged wood. It's not like it was just dumped on your lawn c/s. A lot of work goes into scrounging up wood, and that makes it all the more generous when it's shared with others in need. thumbs up.jpg
Since this seems to be evolving into a random thoughts thread...
While splitting some scrounged Maple, I found something uncommon. About 20' up a branch had broken off the tree years before and the heart of the tree was rotting and full of organic material. The tree was not rotten all the way down to the base, though. As I split the round, this material fell out along with a small earthworm. I've seen grubs up in a tree before but this was new. So... anyone want to venture a guess about how an earthworm gets 20ft up into a tree?
Since this seems to be evolving into a random thoughts thread...
While splitting some scrounged Maple, I found something uncommon. About 20' up a branch had broken off the tree years before and the heart of the tree was rotting and full of organic material. The tree was not rotten all the way down to the base, though. As I split the round, this material fell out along with a small earthworm. I've seen grubs up in a tree before but this was new. So... anyone want to venture a guess about how an earthworm gets 20ft up into a tree?

Wild guess, bird carried one up, maybe to a nest, worm dropped some eggs, something like that.
I just ran across a maple full of organic debris almost exactly like the one you describe. I suspect maybe a bird once nested in the hole, was feeding it's young worms and dropped one.