Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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SVK-Ain't going to find me looking around that aisle at a store. Got acouple of those Alsakan Sabels hanging round every so often. The last time they were out front, ifin they ever show up in back I have a airborne package for them.
It wasn't anyone in particular I was referring to. I'm guilty of it myself! :D

Well..scrounge *prep* pic!!! Close as I got right now! See those pallets to the left? that's where standing dead elm/bark falling off, already on the ground, is going tomorrow after I buck it up (letting the ground dry a few days or it would be done already), then this weekend some cherry, from my first off the farm job. Taking one from behind a friends shop. Won't haul much back in the ratsun, but some. That whole stack there is my leveraxe, keep the species/trees separate, test stack, which will also turn into my replacement wood from what I burn this winter.

Sorta on topic!

And here's a polar vortex, year two link! Prices are up decent in my area this year, make some money guys!


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Looks like that big tree in the background is "firewood on the hoof".

Boss hired his longtime friend with a bucket truck and saws to "trim" that. It used to be a perfectly healthy, albeit real dang huge big, red oak. It's croaked now. I told them both it was gonna croak if they took too much off "naw, it'll be fine" etc.

boss/old friend, I just shutup. I did mention an allegory, "boss, I own some tools, that doesn't mean I am a professional equipment mechanic"...he stared at me.... Already got five cord, real cords, just from the trims. My best measurement guess was 95 foot tall, 110 foot spread.

Maybe next summer start chunking it down, need climbing gear first, or rehire the bucket truck "tree guy". There is..a lot..of wood there left in that tree.
Hey Zog , you borrow Clint's canoe to keep the wood dry ?

Well, I am plenty of vices admiral zog of the one guy volunteer norf jawjah naval militia, and that there's the amphibious assault ship......the grumman war canoe!

Sucker is heavy...when I got it in my 30s I could actually swing it up and overhead and walk to my VW bus and slide it on the roof, or even up and on the chev hitop can sorta drag's been out at least a mile in the gulf (just to say years later I did it) in the swamps, on rivers, in ponds, you name it. That's the canoe I was in when I bumped into "old george" and woke him up..all 13 feet and 800 lbs of him, down in florida.

Godzilla lives!

Now what's funny is, I move here, my boss has it's identical twin up at his house at the lake. I am scheming someday to build me a rig to bolt the both of them together into a catamaran/sailboat. I scrounged the mast and sail and rudder already. One of them projects....

I've taken it out a few times here when I want to just paddle and troll for bass, when I get sick of bank fishing. Pick it up with the tractor forks sideways and just haul it up there.
Boss hired his longtime friend with a bucket truck and saws to "trim" that. It used to be a perfectly healthy, albeit real dang huge big, red oak. It's croaked now. I told them both it was gonna croak if they took too much off "naw, it'll be fine" etc.

boss/old friend, I just shutup. I did mention an allegory, "boss, I own some tools, that doesn't mean I am a professional equipment mechanic"...he stared at me.... Already got five cord, real cords, just from the trims. My best measurement guess was 95 foot tall, 110 foot spread.

Maybe next summer start chunking it down, need climbing gear first, or rehire the bucket truck "tree guy". There is..a lot..of wood there left in that tree.

I remember when you first posted pictures of that job. An unfitting and untimely death for sure. But it makes the trips out to scrounge a bunch shorter.