The Fiskars X-27 is all about speed, and when you get it down right, it will split better (IMO) than any other handheld device, and is far less tiring due to the reduced weight.
Always keep the legs apart, and control the head to go in between, it will sometimes happen much faster than you expect.
I like to keep my hands about 8" apart, it lets me put a little extra drive on it.
Accuracy, and being able to "walk a line" across the top of a tough piece are often keys to a successful split.
Don't overdue, let that elbow recover.
Always keep the legs apart, and control the head to go in between, it will sometimes happen much faster than you expect.
I like to keep my hands about 8" apart, it lets me put a little extra drive on it.
Accuracy, and being able to "walk a line" across the top of a tough piece are often keys to a successful split.
Don't overdue, let that elbow recover.