My wife handed me a flyer and said "look, Stihl has chainsaws on sale for Mothers Day". I said, " you want a new 880?"Yes my wife needs a new saw
My wife handed me a flyer and said "look, Stihl has chainsaws on sale for Mothers Day". I said, " you want a new 880?"Yes my wife needs a new saw
If you were close enough I'm just the kinda guy to let you store the excess on my place til ya had room for itHaven't been on in a couple weeks. Soccer, tee ball, and fishing with the kids have kept me busy. I did find some time to cut, split and stack some more wood from the massive red oak I cut for the Craigslist guy. Plus this load I got from a buddy.
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Right now the wood is stacked 5 rows deep across the back of the garage where this picture was taken and I tore down the old roof to the right to build a new one to have room to stack more wood. Right now I'm stacking along the fence near the field. I didn't think I would run out of room for wood, but I did and I still have more rounds to split and more wood to cut.
How's that little echo cut sir.
Good morning James.
It's hard to fathom how much ash is going to be turning into topsoil here in our area. It's quite sad that people don't have access to cut it. You can drive down almost every road and see ash down on the shoulders or just off the road, and sometimes even in the road.
It doesn't seem right that we are all about saving the planet and let all those BTU's go to waste, what a farce, global warming.
Keep scrounging guys, were the ones saving the planet.