KenJax Tree
Lol i did use my old Silky on the bonesUse square ground on full chisel to cut?
Lol i did use my old Silky on the bonesUse square ground on full chisel to cut?
You can rub apples on trees tooThe bandits go around that one by spilling cider.
Get out before it gets cold!! Thats why i enjoy bowhunting, i can hunt with just pants and a long sleeve shirt and not freeze waiting. But i do sit out there and freeze with a gun too.U can rub apples on UR clothes too, but that is just a scent cover!
Enjoy that nice looking venison, I have not even been out yet.
Loggers have hit the public land near my hunting cabin several times in last two decades to cut during rifle season. Taken some real nice bucks too.MustangMike had his property logged 15years ago to have tornado damaged timber cleaned up. Local logger up there John Hoover used his skidder and 372xp to clear a trail through the wreakage, night before opening day rifle season him comes to our camp. "Hey kid, your stand is the one all the way across on the other side of your uncles property isn't it" I nodded. He goes on to tell me that at 7:15am a seven point buck is gonna walk past my stand "missing brow tine on the left side". I thought for sure he was blowing smoke up my ass, but sure as $hit. Those antlers are sitting in the old cabin waiting to be mounted on a wall of the new cabin. Yes a chainsaw is like ringing the dinner bell for deer.
Discarded pumpkins after Halloween work great. They have to freeze and get soft before the deer will eat them, but once they do, it's like deer candy.
They don't need to be moved far, just enough to make it too much monkey business for one person to roll and wrestle into the splitter. Fortunately it operates in vertical and horizontal.In that situation, I think I would noodle them.