We had our first "hard" frost of the year this morning, was 30 F. Also, the dang ticks are active again. Had to remove one from my wife's back, and took two off one of our dogs and one off the other.
When I grew up around here, we played in the woods all the time and never had a single one. Don't understand what the heck happened, is it just because it is warmer, or something else?
Don't have the dangerous deer ticks upstate where my cabin is, just the larger dog ticks, which do not carry Lyme, etc.
Split a bunch of wood today, and took down a dead Cherry that was barkless but not rotted (perfect!) The 044 was hard to start and raced at idle. Took it apart and it passed vac & pressure test, as did the carb. Must be either the fuel filter, some dirt in the carb, or needs a new carb diaphragm.