Mudd, I kind of hit a wall at therapy, and was still making progress at the gym, so my surgeon said save the money and quit therapy. The owner of the gym had a lot of knee surgery and looked at my work out plan. He said I was doing a lot of strengthening work on the wrong muscles. I was up to 135 pounds with one leg on sitting leg extensions and curls. He put me on a machine that sounds like what you were doing. I would lay on my belly and do curls, only he went with low weight. One plate, I think it was 12 pounds. In two weeks I went from 27* extension to 7*, in a month I was at 0*. He said to curl the weight up as far as I could and then let it down as slow as I could. So slow that at the end of the rep your leg was ready to collapse, do 3 reps. It worked great.
Coowboy, my therapist wanted me to get a manipulation but my surgeon said we had past the window where it would be safe, so I went to my wife's surgeon for a second opinion, and he concurred. This was at 6 months post op. The second surgeon said we were at what he called the 30/30/30 chance of success. 30 percent chance of breaking the leg, 30 percent chance of ripping up all of the tendons and ligaments, and 30 percent of success. I was at 90* flexion at the time, and he said if we gained 2*, it would be called a success, even though the gain would be so little I wouldn't even notice it. So I decided to take their advice and pass. The therapist said I wouldn't see any gain after 6 months. I guess that opinion is based on most people give up after 6 months. I'm at 2 years and I will have gain as long as I work out, if I goof off, I will have loss too, Joe.