Just been to the scrounge pile. Thought I'd get a photo of the pile but it was too dark. Loaded the car up very full with Oak. I'd been told it was 'just a small oak to take down' hmm, back up to the pile and get out to see a load of 22" rounds

all bucked to stove length and look like straight grain easy splitting. So I loaded the car to the gunnels ...tried another photo...to dark

It was loaded though, most I've ever loaded it and probably about 1 round 2 many. Coming over a speed hump on the way home I heard the back ground, just the mud flaps I think on inspection, then again on reversing up the driveway despite taking it at an angle to help. No damage though. Just having some toast and a cuppa, then after unloading I'm off for a second load. This one will be smaller....there's not so much oak left!