Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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really looks like locust.

We have a winner! I've been reading all you blokes' posts banging on about how good locust is and wondering what it would be like to have some then realised that I have one growing 3 metres from the front door at work! It is a smaller variant - a moptop pseudoacacia robinia but apparently the wood is much the same. The council had them aggressively pruned a couple of months ago, pretty much back to just the trunk. If I had known then what it was I would have claimed all the limbs.

SV6 Montana van , no whimpy 4 cylinders , nosiree :)







Daum that was a good van :)
Absolutely loving the new (to me) stove! after a few minutes of the 3rd and final, proper, burn the paint smell was fading and it was gone half hour later. I then took it totally nuclear, I mean Fire of Hades, packed fire box and all vents open flue temps of about 700F, just to do any final paint cure and to test my seals. This stove is old and pre secondary burn tubes, so when i shut the primary and the air wash, it is indeed SHUT. Sure enough I can go from fire of Hades to flame out in a few seconds...yep, all joints properly sealed.

Now I thought cast iron was supposed to give a 'softer' heat than steel ( stove #1 is steel). well that's not my experience here! Jeez! this thing takes your eyebrows off with its radiant heat! My other stove needs a constructional hearth below the decorative, this one doesn't yet my IR thermometer shoes the bottom of its legs are at nearly 100C Pfff....the French have always been a bit Laise faire! Glad I have a constructional below this one too. my Oak floor 16" in front of the stove is at 55C! This 'Belge maybe small but t packs a mighty punch!

@Cowboy254 I forgot to say, I've nearly nearly dealt with the barbed wire and brick tree. I've only had it 14-16 months now. At least I can confirm Ash DOES dry in the round. I'm waiting for my 038Super back from my brother, he's forgotten to bring it twice now (honest forgets though I know). Ive about 4 rounds/part rounds that are unsplittable but I'm fairly confident are clean (famous last words...none of this tree was clean) and another 4 that are unsplittable and have wire but...big BUT, I'm fairly confident I know where the wire is (Ha ha! not a fecking chance! I've guessed wrong and trashed a chain every time so far, I may think I know, but I bet I'll see more sparks). Still can't believe bro felled a 3 stem, 2'6" ish cherry with an ms180, then borrowed my super to block up the bits. Is that proof that the 180 really IS a proper 'saw?
Absolutely loving the new (to me) stove! after a few minutes of the 3rd and final, proper, burn the paint smell was fading and it was gone half hour later. I then took it totally nuclear, I mean Fire of Hades, packed fire box and all vents open flue temps of about 700F, just to do any final paint cure and to test my seals. This stove is old and pre secondary burn tubes, so when i shut the primary and the air wash, it is indeed SHUT. Sure enough I can go from fire of Hades to flame out in a few seconds...yep, all joints properly sealed.

Now I thought cast iron was supposed to give a 'softer' heat than steel ( stove #1 is steel). well that's not my experience here! Jeez! this thing takes your eyebrows off with its radiant heat! My other stove needs a constructional hearth below the decorative, this one doesn't yet my IR thermometer shoes the bottom of its legs are at nearly 100C Pfff....the French have always been a bit Laise faire! Glad I have a constructional below this one too. my Oak floor 16" in front of the stove is at 55C! This 'Belge maybe small but t packs a mighty punch!

@Cowboy254 I forgot to say, I've nearly nearly dealt with the barbed wire and brick tree. I've only had it 14-16 months now. At least I can confirm Ash DOES dry in the round. I'm waiting for my 038Super back from my brother, he's forgotten to bring it twice now (honest forgets though I know). Ive about 4 rounds/part rounds that are unsplittable but I'm fairly confident are clean (famous last words...none of this tree was clean) and another 4 that are unsplittable and have wire but...big BUT, I'm fairly confident I know where the wire is (Ha ha! not a fecking chance! I've guessed wrong and trashed a chain every time so far, I may think I know, but I bet I'll see more sparks). Still can't believe bro felled a 3 stem, 2'6" ish cherry with an ms180, then borrowed my super to block up the bits. Is that proof that the 180 really IS a proper 'saw?
We have a WINNER!!!

I still feel inadequate. I may have just crammed a good cube of 'kin heavy green English Oak in the back of a wheezy 4 cylinder [cough] did I say, 220 PS? [/cough] [cough] Turbo works better than Vics vapours for 'wheezy' [/cough]. I may have just had the mud flaps dragging on the road home, twice, but I am always in awe of Dan, I tip my hat to you sir!:clap::clap::rock2::rock2:
We have a winner! I've been reading all you blokes' posts banging on about how good locust is and wondering what it would be like to have some then realised that I have one growing 3 metres from the front door at work! It is a smaller variant - a moptop pseudoacacia robinia but apparently the wood is much the same. The council had them aggressively pruned a couple of months ago, pretty much back to just the trunk. If I had known then what it was I would have claimed all the limbs.

View attachment 614408

Next you'll be telling us its specific density is 2.7 when grown in convict country :rolleyes::rolleyes:;)
We have a winner! I've been reading all you blokes' posts banging on about how good locust is and wondering what it would be like to have some then realised that I have one growing 3 metres from the front door at work! It is a smaller variant - a moptop pseudoacacia robinia but apparently the wood is much the same. The council had them aggressively pruned a couple of months ago, pretty much back to just the trunk. If I had known then what it was I would have claimed all the limbs.

View attachment 614408
Cowboy, I didn't answer for two reasons, one I have two of them in my front yard and thought that would be cheating, and two, you said all you northerners. Now I live below the Mason Dixon line, that makes me a Southerner, and we Southerners, sometimes don't like to be called names like northerner or yankee and stuff like that. So I figured you meant those other good guys farther up north. Like SVK and Matt n Mike, they drive cool cars so they have to be alright. Kind of like that Holden is pretty cool. Anyway, just joking, don't want to start a civil war with chainsaws. And I do like Black Locust, I prefer it over Honey and the hybrids. Don't know if it burns any better. I do know that a fellow that was a climber for my Dad, made beer out of the seed pods from the big Honey Locust. If you seed the big brown seed pods, you can split the fat end open and they have a yellowish sticky substance in them that tastes just like honey, Joe.

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