Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Abbul01, I am from harford county, eastern shore is a beautiful place a buddy of mine belongs to a duck club and I ve had some really good days shooting Ducks .[/QUOTE]

Well I'm stuck at work. Bay Bridge cameras look pretty bad right now.
I used to live in Harford County. Right by APG. Still have my NG unit there.
Abbul01, I am from harford county, eastern shore is a beautiful place a buddy of mine belongs to a duck club and I ve had some really good days shooting Ducks .

Well I'm stuck at work. Bay Bridge cameras look pretty bad right now.
I used to live in Harford County. Right by APG. Still have my NG unit there.[/QUOTE]

Aberdeen Proving Grounds?

ok. ive evidently missed this one for too long now. mite as well add this to my subbed list
Chainsaw carbs are made for wot or idle so trying to cut something at 1/2 throttle for long periods is not good because the fuel to air mixture is off .
Pine and balsam sap are the messiest but it cleans up and I've not worn the paint off any of my saws from the bark , gravel and the bed of a truck are the ones that do .
Hardwood and softwood are mostly 2 different animals when delimbing , the tops on hardwoods span out in many directions so be mindfull of what happens when you cut a branch that supports a top or is keeping the weight to one side , softwoods stay put most of the time but that all depends on the shape , I find hardwood tops are more likely to move or roll compared to a softwood top .
Watch for branches under tension , the can jam a chain or put a hurt on you in a hurry (this applies to all trees) , I hope you get them tops because it'll be a good place to learn how a saw works and how much work a saw is LOL
Make sure you start in a nice open area with room to work .
Yes , I've read the Pro this versus the GOL that but there's lots of stuff in the GOL to keep you safe so I can't say that it would be a bad thing to take a course if available , I'll never make fun of anyone for taking a course .
The "Village Expert" videos on utube .... Meh
Was gonna bring the borrowed Ef2fiddy and my deck trailer home tonight so I could grab my old L285 and get it to the woodlot to drag out some of those trees that I dropped and hid , the only ball and receiver that I could find is one that you can rotate with 3 different ball sizes , it put the trailer too far back so that the plug wouldn't reach :(
I know I have at least 3 others with a 2 5/16ths ball , looks like I'm buying another one tomorrow ...... Another cost to scrounge up some wood LOL
Great post Dan!!!

Tension is a serious stinker when dealing with downed scrounges that are resting on healthy limbs. It will bite you hard if it gets a chance.

The Sugar Maple top I scrounged the other day did this to me. Completely rolled the opposite direction that I thought it would when I cut a limb it was resting on.
The weight at the base of the broken top over powered the rest. Rolled towards me instead of away.
I was back at my scrounging spot today,


And after plenty of cutting and skidding i had my wagon loaded with a load of red oak firewood logs, AND one bass wood that will go on my BSM,


Benp , sometimes chit like that happens, gotta watch out , that's for sure . SR's pic of that big forked tree is a good example of a tangled mess and that you have to take a good look before you start to cut .
Benp , sometimes chit like that happens, gotta watch out , that's for sure . SR's pic of that big forked tree is a good example of a tangled mess and that you have to take a good look before you start to cut .

I absolutely agree.

I eyeballed up the top and not weight and curvature of the base.

It was just a slow roll towards me (that I was not expecting), not like when the log pile has become hungry and tried to eat me.

That sunb!tch torments me and abuses me at every other angle I just yell at it to get it over with and roll my as* over.

We are still in a tit for tat relationship.
Chainsaw carbs are made for wot or idle so trying to cut something at 1/2 throttle for long periods is not good because the fuel to air mixture is off .
Pine and balsam sap are the messiest but it cleans up and I've not worn the paint off any of my saws from the bark , gravel and the bed of a truck are the ones that do .
Hardwood and softwood are mostly 2 different animals when delimbing , the tops on hardwoods span out in many directions so be mindfull of what happens when you cut a branch that supports a top or is keeping the weight to one side , softwoods stay put most of the time but that all depends on the shape , I find hardwood tops are more likely to move or roll compared to a softwood top .
Watch for branches under tension , the can jam a chain or put a hurt on you in a hurry (this applies to all trees) , I hope you get them tops because it'll be a good place to learn how a saw works and how much work a saw is LOL
Make sure you start in a nice open area with room to work .
Yes , I've read the Pro this versus the GOL that but there's lots of stuff in the GOL to keep you safe so I can't say that it would be a bad thing to take a course if available , I'll never make fun of anyone for taking a course .
The "Village Expert" videos on utube .... Meh

I want to sign up for a GOL course if I can find one. Sounds pretty interesting.

Are you saying you do the snedding method? If you do I'm impressed.
I was back at my scrounging spot today,
And after plenty of cutting and skidding i had my wagon loaded with a load of red oak firewood logs, AND one bass wood that will go on my BSM,

Is it still considered scrounging when you have the ability to carry off the whole tree?
The forks on the front are on the front end loader arms..... You take the bucket off, it's about a 15 second job, and then put the forks on where the bucket was...

They will lift to just over 10' high.


All powered by the tractors hydraulics...

Went today to my buddies farm at lunch with some of the guys from work for a imprumto rifle shooting competition. I hate when a old fat guy out shoots you with your own gun. He did offer me three hundred and his ruger 44 carbine for my model 70 but I had to decline. He knows that I have a crush for a 44 carbine for my older daughter but he ain't gettin this rifle from me. My poor other pal was stinking it up with my old Howa I sold him, he was sure it was the gun and not him untill the old guy asked if he could try it, that rifle was a tack driver when I owned it and still is.
Well as for the firewood section of todays story, the farm had about three acres of wood lot cleared with a dozer, its all sitting In three giant ugly piles, free for the taking, going back tomorrow with the chainsaw and truck.
I grouped 2 inches at 100
Billy clover leafed three shots

Poor Ritchies was all over his target, Billy took two shots with it and figure 8'd it then smiled and handed the gun back. Rest of lunch we spent talking to ritchie about breathing, squeezing and SLOWING down.

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