Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Speaking of files what brand do you prefer 'personally I find bacho a nd stihl good and long lasting

Stihl, for no other reason the dealer always gives a few to me for free when buying something else. You cannot beat free. ;)

I've not seen bacho over here , I use stihl or pferd .

Bahco = Snap-on on the European market


I saw it before but I don't see it now? I blame Y2.018K
Took the wife and kids to the Poconos for some fun for New Years Eve. We went sledding yesterday at 4* and froze, then to the restaurant for drinks and food. Finished the night off in the indoor pool. This morning we went on Polaris side by sides on a long tour. It was -7* when we ate breakfast but had warmed to 5* when we went riding, we were the only people that showed up, we were bundled from head to toe (the wife is a little crazy, but it paid off). Our tour guide must have liked that my kids knew all about the machines we were riding cause our 45 minute tour turned into a 1:15 tour with him bringing us to a place with all sorts of jumps and fun hill climbs. I was impressed that my wife was doing everything the tour guide and I were doing. I had the little one with me and the wife had the big girl. Ill post up pics later. We go to the same resort often and I was talking to the tour guide about summer activities there while the kids warmed up by the fire drinking hot chocolate. They are building a sporting clays field, so when we go back..... we'll be bringing our shot guns.....
They had a ton to do there, the cold kept most inside, luckily we are a little more "country" them most there and not afraid of the cold. While most were dressed for the party and dancing, we hit the pool. Had it mostly to ourselves. Hibachi was fun, the chef actually used to work at a hibachi two towns over from Uncle Mike in Mahopac, small world. IMG_2994.JPGIMG_2996.JPGIMG_2997.JPGIMG_3002.JPGIMG_3005.JPGIMG_3006.JPG
For 3/8 chain, Stihl sells files that are 13/64 instead of 7/32. 7/32 will work just fine, but is a little tight the first time you are using it.

Ahhhh, that is useful to know and explains some files I'd found on eBay.

Bahco = Snap-on on the European market

Really? Banco = Sandvik. Didn't know snap on were the same
A little highly valuable black walnut firewood added yesterday. It will take a long time to clean up her woods at this pace.
More highly valuable black walnut firewood. Almost have that mess cleared up but found another mess under it! And 99 others that I haven't touched yet. There are maple, ash, and oak tangles all within spitting distance of this. 20180101_172340.jpg
I did break a chain which is unfortunate.
Well, what did you get then? Something 'extra special' from Mrs Krib? New fiskars perhaps? Or maybe even a new Stihl starting with a 4 or better?

Don't keep us waiting and guessing!

Nothing chainsaw related for my 40th. We had 60 people over plus kids for my 40th and my wife and her mum cooked for everyone, it was a massive effort but so good to catch up with 40 years of friends.
Thanks for posting Cowboy because you just gave me an idea. I received $300 worth of Bunnings vouchers, I was wondering what to buy, I could by me a Fisakers splitter.

A belated happy new year to everyone.
That looks like you are driving on a river! I did a search for the Trygg chains. I had some trouble with the tire calculator, but it looked like some where between $800 and $1200 for a set, Joe.

The Trygg chains are real good chain , I have a great local dealer that knows how to get the right size chain for a machine , too big a stud for a lighter tractor is no good .
Yes , they sell for that kind of money up here but my dealer likes folding paper so ,,, what's the name of that tv show "Let's make a Deal !" I was happy lol
I have some Norse chains on my MF1020 , a good chain as well .
A friend of mine got a set of Chinese studded chains for his 30 series Kubota , the studs are wearing much faster , they were cheaper but still way better that cross chains or none .
Got got a few Cords cut and a couple hauled out to start the new year off right. The rounds don’t look big in the photo but the 24 inch bar didn’t quite make it through. Pretty good scrounging day spent with my dad and brother 7F245D99-ADBC-4DB9-8D64-7B18DCE8EBA3.jpegfirst load
Second load above
Still have to go back and haul 2 Cord on the ground
ok...dumb question time. The NC30 burns great N/S. I have heard of people loading N/S stoves E/W and it burns slower. How do you do that when the doghouse shoots air to the back? Load the bottom layer N/S then E/W on top?

The little S244's I have are wider than deep and look to be designed for mainly E/W loading, but I cant get it to burn very good unless I cut pieces really short (9") and load it N/S. Is there some really easy stupid thing I'm missing to E/W loading?

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