Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Fiscars hatchet makes quick work of small limbs, including your own. I use an X7 from time to time but still find the short handle to be a little dangerous. Just have to swing away from appendages you want to keep.
Hey Ambull , chipper , yup I own one LOL

lol, damn. Anything you don't have? I would hate to see you get ready to scrounge. Normal guys scrounge checklist: wedges, chainsaw, bar oil, chain sharpener, PPE, cant hook. Your checklist: wedges, 3 chainsaws, several chains, bar oil, chain sharpener, cant hook, maul, Fiskars, skidder, tractor, chipper, pole saw, PPE, etc. Must be exhausting getting ready to scrounge.
lol, damn. Anything you don't have? I would hate to see you get ready to scrounge. Normal guys scrounge checklist: wedges, chainsaw, bar oil, chain sharpener, PPE, cant hook. Your checklist: wedges, 3 chainsaws, several chains, bar oil, chain sharpener, cant hook, maul, Fiskars, skidder, tractor, chipper, pole saw, PPE, etc. Must be exhausting getting ready to scrounge.

I'd like to go scrounging with a sikorsky sky crane...
lol, damn. Anything you don't have? I would hate to see you get ready to scrounge. Normal guys scrounge checklist: wedges, chainsaw, bar oil, chain sharpener, PPE, cant hook. Your checklist: wedges, 3 chainsaws, several chains, bar oil, chain sharpener, cant hook, maul, Fiskars, skidder, tractor, chipper, pole saw, PPE, etc. Must be exhausting getting ready to scrounge.

that's a professional scrounger for ya.:clap::bowdown:
Do you scrounge full-time? You always have a load in your Dodge!

Why do some of the rounds have a purple-ish tint to it? May just be my computer.

I try to get out a couple times a week. I load the Great White Hope as fat as I can,,to make it worth my while.
The "purpl-ish tent is Black/English Walnut(depending on who is describing it, I call it Walnut).
I very rarely cut down trees. I try to find wood that has been timbered/logged or blow downs.
Since summer time is for fishing,,I cut my far'wood in the fall and pretty much all winter,,it gets me out of the house and into the out of doors.
An big thanks to all that have served in any capacity to guarantee our rights and freedom .

Because of all that have served I was able to enjoy my day .
I threw some gear in the borrowed ef2fiddy and off to the woods I went :)


Fired up the Bota and off on a hunt .



Found some leaners in there and a nice blowdown as well .


Tight quarters .


Things were shaping up :)


All Gone !


Got be a nice 16" spruce sawlog and 5 red maples about 12" at the butt all hauled out , went home for lunch and came back to get a load from the tops and some other small ones .


It's beer thirty now and it was a good day :)
image.jpg image.jpg This is the last load from my fresh dropped oak scrounge and I am glad. This stuff is heavy so I had to noodle most rounds. While bucking yesterday I hit a metal object with my 660 /32"and then did it again with my 460/25" ended up finishing with 362c/20". Went home mad and returned today to load up.