Go to your dealer and ask them for a quick tutorial, it may help, and they may make a sale.Went to the scrounge pile today. Took the 445, 550 as a backup and the 395 just in case I got greedy.The 550/395 never made it out of the truck and never refeuled the 445. It cut everything I planned on getting today on one tank. It had the BFC on it and it cut fine for 1/2 tank. Then started doing the same wierd stuff it does on the 550. Throwing dust/small chips and the top of the chain would lift off the bar in the cut. In the middle of the cut it wouldnt pull. Instead it would push the saw out like the bar was pinched but it wasnt. I need a better file guide and a bunch more chain.
You basically need to look at a factory chain and make the older one like that.
Post some pictures of that chain, and we'll have it throwing chips in no time

Here's a semi chisel 325x18 chain on a 2145(345 husky) with a ported AM cylinder cutting a very hard chunk of ash. What's funny is it was previously a 16" chain and it has a few odd cutters on it from a safety chain. Don't ask what happened because I couldn't tell you how it got that way, but when it's sharp it's a fun little saw for cutting dirty wood and the chain holds an edge for quite a while.