Sharpening chain is like sharpening a knife. Some people get it, others just don't. If you don't, find a good shop and keep extras on hand.
Or buy a clamp-on guide that sets the angles. Even a dummy (me) can do a good job with one of those.
Sharpening chain is like sharpening a knife. Some people get it, others just don't. If you don't, find a good shop and keep extras on hand.
View attachment 630890 grabbed this at work today
You got to let me get in on some of that scrounging. I'm down to splitting and stacking everything here. The saws are starting to get feeling left outjust a little today with the coming snow/sleet/freezing rain/rain. barely frozen enough to get in. found some red oak tops i missed last time i was in this part of the woods. bugged me so i HAD to go get it.
View attachment 630974
I am a legend (in my own mind anyway) at sharpening saw chain (round, not square). I couldn't sharpen a knife to save my life...irritates the hello out of me too.
only took about 1/2 hour to dig that out and cut it up. guess this slop we're getting ain't goona be good for gettin to the woods. i'll let ya know.You got to let me get in on some of that scrounging. I'm down to splitting and stacking everything here. The saws are starting to get feeling left out.
That pic reminds me of a incident that happen at work years ago. I was operating a tie crane laying out ties to be installed in the track. It was a old rail line and we where installing new and old relay ties. I come around a curve and see all kinds of state equipment and they where loading my relay ties on dump trucks. There was also a ton truck with a load of ties on a gooseneck trailer. They had loaded the trailer so heavy that when they tried to pull it, it ripped the bed off the truck. I get off my tie crane and walk over to where they where at and asked what they where doing with my ties. On guy said, his boss told them to move them out of sight of the highway. Well, I knew that was a bunch of crap, but I told them they had to put the ties back where I could reach them with my crane because we would be installing them under the track later that day. Nope, he said, his boss told him to get them out of site of the highway and thats what he was going to do. OK I said and I went to a radio and called my bossman. He drove up and the guy tried to tell him the same story. That story wasnt going to work at all, my boss calls the police and the State mans boss. In a few minutes, the place was crawling with bigwigs and the Law. The state guy was using state equipment and was stealing the ties. The flatbed was a borrowed truck and when the owner showed up, the law had to restrain him to keep the guy from putting a asswhooping on the thief. They slapped the cuffs on the state worker and the the state bossman put the other state workers to moving my ties back to where I could reach them. They had hauled a few dump loads somewhere and they had to take their equipment and reload the ties and haul them back.View attachment 630890 grabbed this at work today
just a little today with the coming snow/sleet/freezing rain/rain. barely frozen enough to get in. found some red oak tops i missed last time i was in this part of the woods. bugged me so i HAD to go get it.
View attachment 630974
Was it Honey Locust?and thorn something that was hard and heavy
Glad they got the tractor back. To bad the guys not gonna make it to get his wife a beerWhile writing this, I got a call from my nephew that had his tractor stolen Sat nite. They found the tractor on the side of the road out of fuel and the NC State Patrol had the thief in the back of his car. Thief was a dope head that got tired of walking and stole the tractor to get home. He must of been joy riding when it ran out of fuel and the SP drove up on him. Nephew is hauling the tractor home as I type. Looks like no damage to tractor was done.
Well FML. Wheel bearing went out on my vehicle today. Luckily I was able to sneak it over to a good service station. There goes some saved cash.
Went to the pile today with one saw and one chain. know this is the place where we fell, cut up and burn trees but does anyone know a forum where the opposite happens, meaning people talk about nurseries and planting?
Long story short, I am rearranging the garden and while I have a highly trusted supplier of perennials and shrubs, I will need some trees as well. Nursery prices around here are horrifying and to make matters worse all trees I've seen have clear ballroot issues (sat too long in the container) so I've decided to "grow" my own. I've found a forestry nursery which will gladly supply me as many 2-5 years old saplings as I want for spare change and several sources of cheap nursery containers. I can make my own potting compost and trees can grow until they are ready to plant near the vegetable garden so I am all set there.
What I need is some help in choosing trees: I am well conversant about bushes and perennials but I may need some help in choosing the tall woody things as I have a tendency of chopping them up and burning them instead of growing them.