I haven't got into the older homies and such as of yet, I've even refused to let a few of them be dropped off here, I can't get into older saws that are harder to obtain parts for right now, enough projects that are easy to get parts for lol.I have owned just about ever major brand at this point but I will still call out a fanboy when I see one lol. There is enough mis-information out there already so IMO there is no sense in spreading more. Like these video "comparisons" where they are putting the dawgs to one saw while holding the other one back LOL.
In regards to the saw builder groupies, trying to reason with them is like trying to talk politics...Facts and real world observations mean nothing if it doesn't fit into their agenda.
It is also funny how they are out to "expose" certain builders while trying to sweep the misdeeds of other builders under the table.
End rant. Thats what I like about the firewood forum. The chest thumpers stay out of here lol.
There's plenty of that going on, and always will be unfair testing.
Hard to reason with them is an understatement, I'd compare most to the "sheeple", blindly following the crowd. I always say if I wasn't born in Cali I would have been born in Missouri, the show me state

If your not in your not in