Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Here's a dead Cherry log I'm getting ready to mill for my neighbor.

This is the Cherry that fell on the fence, that I cleaned up this morning. It's so covered in lichen, it's hard to see the bark, and a piece I noodled cause I'm getting old, fat, and weak, Joe.

View attachment 636967 So birch or cherry lol:crazy2:. This is at the end of .y drive way.

Here's a dead Cherry log I'm getting ready to mill for my neighbor.

This is the Cherry that fell on the fence, that I cleaned up this morning. It's so covered in lichen, it's hard to see the bark, and a piece I noodled cause I'm getting old, fat, and weak, Joe.

look at James has circular bark and Joe's has vertical bark . james' bark look like the old sweet cherry tree's we used to pick at the orchard when we were kids. Joes bark looks like the wild cherry we have here in central PA.
Either way it’s good wood.
Southern Ontario got a bit of snow as well as out Murican neighbors to the south. We got nary a flake or drop. Just fine with me, I don’t care if we don’t see precipitation for a month. Passed quite a few possible scrounge locations today and saw a few guys with loaded trailers already. I’m not in too big a hurry, my yard needs to dry out first. I am feeling the itch to run a saw though. Might have to scratch it by noodling a few rounds.
Steve, I agree with the two bark patterns, but they are both Cherry's, not Birch. If you do a search of Sweet Cherry you get mostly the circular pattern. But, if you do a search of Black Cherry you get both. The Log was a Black Cherry and the little one I took down this morning was a producing fruit variety, not sure which, it was dead too, and I never saw the fruit. Under all of the lichen it looks like the circular bark. But most fruiting varieties are Sweet or Sour Cherry cultivars. Wild Cherries are any Cherry that is not cultivated. So, a lot of Black Cherries are called Wild Cherry. The other tell tale for me is the orange under the bark. I have a lot of White Birch stickered and stacked and the wood, growth rings and color don't look anything like Cherry. I've never seen a Black Birch so I can't make a comp. James tree is defiantly a Cherry, and since you guys are fairly close, if he's like, I'll ride up with my mill and cut a few slabs. I need to get up your way and meet you guys. I'll stop at Stoudts and get a couple sixes of Octoberfest, or Fat Dog, Joe.
got this oak-ish looking stuff ! standing dead - 2 trees- blew over in our 50mph winds yesterday behind the house ! It gets no better than this size to run through the tw5 with the 6 way head on it - will have her in fire wood in 2 hours tops ! 12 small easy to handle logs - Man up stairs did me a solid with this one 54180735331__31EDA3FE-46DC-4E97-AB6C-58BB0CA58C9C.JPG.jpegIMG_1591.JPG.jpeg IMG_1590.JPG.jpeg
View attachment 636967 So birch or cherry lol:crazy2:. This is at the end of .y drive way.
Probably Pin Cherry - Prunus pensylvanica, not black cherry - Prunus serotina. Pic of the twigs also helps. If you can't reach the twigs just fire up the old Homelite super XL.:chainsaw:

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