G'day scroungers. The Lady who had the farm that I pillaged 70 odd cubes or 20 cord from last year is now on a nearby property, some treed but more difficult to access. Still making noises that sound like "Winter is coming and I don't have any wood" and suchlike. Obviously I still feel grateful enough for cutting craploads on her old farm to go out and see what's on the new property. No wood for ol' Cowboy though, it's all for her. I'm not short on options though and realistically I can use the exercise so I look at it that way. I rehooked up the monkey saw throttle and loaded up all the boys in the car.
Hilariously, after 8 years sitting idle and failing to fire in November when I last tried it, the MS310 farm boss fired up 4th pull once he got sight of the monkey saw. Someone's feeling threatened! It was a great day to be out and after driving around for a while we came across this dead standing peppermint. Didn't look that big because it was next to a two-headed blue gum that was two metres across at the base.
The peppermint was about 28" at the base and Limby took care of business.
I gave the 310 a run for the first time in years and it chugged along. When I pulled out the 241 though, there was no comparison, it made the 310 look like an anaemic wuss. What a sweet little saw Cowgirl has! It was great until it died again. I probably should have had a closer look at it before but found a bit of an issue down the handle end. I think that black thing is meant to be attached to that white thing and there seems to be some black stuff missing that should fit in that white groove. Same on the other side. I hope I didn't make that too technical.
I can't believe that Randy would have cocked that up so I am blaming Australian Customs for breaking it, probably took it apart looking for smuggled goods or something. They would say of course that that is how it was when they got it. How's the accountability?
Anyway, finished the job with Limby and used the 460 down the smaller end. Peppermint is pretty good for splitting but the Lady Farmer doesn't have the arms to knock it apart so I cut and split and she loaded the trailer. Mostly used the fiskars, needed the 8lber to smash up some branchy bits. Ended up with three loads in the trailer back to the house, a cord all up.
I feel like I've done my good deed for the day. There's still a little left of this tree out there and a few other dead limbs and whatnot lying around that area. Most of the trees are blue gums though and they don't die off and fall over anywhere near as often as peppermint and once they're dry they are so hard they are murder on your gear. Prolly another two loads of easily accessible stuff in this area though, might get out there Monday.