Mill 'em, nails be damned.
Howdy y'all. First time cutting cottonwood and just as well the fibres hang on like a bad flue because almost all were leaning over a shed, fences or state highway 12 and needed some persuasion. Still have a few more to do once I get Nemo (tractor) and Rubber Ducky (winch) on site but at least friends finally have most of their view back. This pic, from their deck, is quintessential coastal Northern NZ.
Worst part wasn't the pucker factor of felling trees growing 30 degrees out the side of a steep hill, overhanging a state highway, but the sounds of the lucky buggers in the boats catching fish just a few hundred meters out, on most days I was there.

Worst part wasn't the pucker factor of felling trees growing 30 degrees out the side of a steep hill, overhanging a state highway, but the sounds of the lucky buggers in the boats catching fish just a few hundred meters out, on most days I was there.