There used to be this quaint, quintessential coastal NZ 'blip' of a town here we used to visit when chasing surf, back when I had more hair than cares in the world. Everyone has their limits and each of us are different, but when we reached ours and couldn't stand the dense urban jungle any more, a tactical retreat to the surf town from my youth seemed like a great option. Sold, got out and to this day still hate driving back to Auckland and its over-tensioned, shrill madness, on the few occasions I am forced to be there. That said, and like you have observed, we've watched the distant lights of the advancing front of urban sprawl march progressively closer over the last few years at what seems like an increasing pace.
From our observation post, 10 years ago there was just one light in a full 360 degree survey. Now it's over twenty. What's most disturbing however, and it nearly brought me to tears if I'm honest, was the news about a year ago the neighbouring farm on the hill has sold and has been carved up (on paper at this point but inevitable in terra firma shortly) into well over 100 properties.
I'm looking for land in the Far North. There's one more new-ground/homestead new build left in me, or I'll at least die trying. The Urban invasion won't take me alive.
Vive la résistance