think the sunshine went to my head...
I may need a bit of help.
So with the fiancee and girls away i got to the 038avs at last. I hada fuel leak when squeezing the trigger to start the saw, and a wondering idle making me think i needed carb work, and maybe had a split intake I'd spent about 8 quid with farmertec on a bing carb and and intke boot
first off the tilaston carb (left) is slightly differient to the replacement bing (right) as you can see the bing has a port extra that i'm pointing to, is that just a vent or???
then I realised I needed to get the case off the handle to get the intake boot off, fine...I'll give it a good clean as i go, take photos and then I've lots of pictures to use when i sell on ebay. I found a few more problems....all stuff i sort of expected....knackered hoses/rubbers
First this little one here, a tank vent? its split to buggery. it looks to just poke through the hole by the av mount and end, is that right? just vents to there...or has it perished and snapped and it should go somewhere? what do I buy btw, tank vent hose?
heres where it ends, oh and as you can see, the next problem...a knackered av mount. the other 3 are ok, that one, totally toast. was a real pain to get the middle screw out the handle...molegrips did it.
AV mounts off, earth lead unplugged and threaded out the handle and... eeeewwwwww, what a lot of crud