Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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For tendonitis, it takes a while to heal. Don't stop using it, but try not to over use or strain it. Stretch frequently, and open and close your hand and rotate it back and forth as you do it.

That is what worked for me, has been gone for a few years now (I had to learn how to start the saws left handed). Back to doing it righty now.
For tendonitis, it takes a while to heal. Don't stop using it, but try not to over use or strain it. Stretch frequently, and open and close your hand and rotate it back and forth as you do it.

That is what worked for me, has been gone for a few years now (I had to learn how to start the saws left handed). Back to doing it righty now.
So you’re bi-recoil? :)
For tendonitis, it takes a while to heal. Don't stop using it, but try not to over use or strain it. Stretch frequently, and open and close your hand and rotate it back and forth as you do it.

That is what worked for me, has been gone for a few years now (I had to learn how to start the saws left handed). Back to doing it righty now.

Sounds like I'll need to drink more beer with my left hand !
I'll tell the wife Dr.Mike said so :)
@svk Things work out I might try scrounging firewood in MN. Wife has mentioned wanting to move, the word “warm” was never mentioned. How’s the walleye and smallmouth fishing?

Don't know if there is a better state in the union for both species. I live a little over an hour west of cities and can be on water with either species in 5 minutes. If you want to reside where @svk has his cabin there is even better water.

I fished mille lacs last month for 2 days and caught 23 smallies between 5 and 6 pounds and lost count on the under. Couldn't crack six as my biggest was 5-14.
View attachment 674579 Guy that’s 82 had a black locust go over with the storms we had. Called a tree service, they told him $600 to get rid of it. Somehow he got my name. Told him he burns the branches, I cut and keep the wood and $50 for gas in the truck, he’s 20 miles one way and can’t get a trailer in. Well, if you were good at backing up a trailer you might be able too. Anyway, he smiles and says “Deal.” 2 easy truckloads of black locust for 2020.
I want to see the two truckloads, that locust is pretty heavy. The great thing is it has such a low water content you could split it now and burn it in feb and it would be pretty dry. I like locust :sweet:.
View attachment 674580 And the LORD was with me. On my first cut to dismember the rootball I happened to look over the far side of the trunk before I let the @Red97 ported 590 start eating.
I had that happen on a cherry tree here at the house, it had a big old bolt in it too :eek:.
Why did you choose to start by cutting the root ball off, I would have typically started on the branches/top; just not wanting any surprises, it didn't stand back up or fall into the hole did it?
@svk Things work out I might try scrounging firewood in MN. Wife has mentioned wanting to move, the word “warm” was never mentioned. How’s the walleye and smallmouth fishing?
Really good. I do not have access to pics at the moment but can put some up at some point.
Mille Lacs is hard to beat for big fish but we have big ones and numbers up here. If you have a senko rig you can catch hundreds of bass a day (not exaggerating) up here. Getting the 20"+ bass is still work though. Lots of walleyes in nearly every lake.
The salmon are running here right now, just hitting the dam in downtown Grand Rapids. My neighbor was down there for an hour and landed a few, he even gave me 4lbs of fillets, hoping to get them cooked up tonight :sweet:.
We had a few cool nights last week where I turned the downstairs heat up to 64 just to make sure things didn’t get too cold. But last night it was still 70 at midnight which is unseasonably warm. Supposed to be quite warm for the next several days with lows only in the mid 60’s to high 50’s so won’t need anything for a while.
Got cold here last night too, had to get up and turn the AC up to 69 :laugh:.
A warm morning here, it is 65 on it's way to 77.

Was outside of the cabin last night and this morning. The bugs are down a lot since the frost last week but still a few around. One more frost should finish them. Looking like next week we get back to normal temps; highs near 60 and lows near 40.
Funny, was 54 here and heading to 77, we just got another hatch of mosquitos with the warmer weather we've been having.
I'm ready for cooler weather as well as a good frost to kill the bugs off for a while.
It was a little chilly in here the other day, but I didn't worry about it as I knew it was warming up.
This extended summer is great although "regular" weather is better for cutting wood.

This aspen on the outskirts of my yard is on it’s way out. May as well dump it and salvage what’s left rather then let it core rot on the stump. It will fall towards my driveway which will make accessing the rounds easier.

Had a couple of cooler days and I thought we had turned the corner. I need to cut Saturday and it going to be near 90...ish.

I've got a couple barkless elm to take down and was going to do it Sat or Sun. Think I'll wait a week. Those are the last standing one's I have around here for the year. Have a project 10 minutes north of Becker coming up. Buddy bought a nice tract and is going to clear 10+ acres for his building site. All hardwood. Best thing is that he's gonna have a hoe with a finger bucket so basically can just limb and buck to 8' length with him holding the tree and clear the brush with the bobcat between trees. Lots of trees we can just push over at the stump so won't even have to fell a ton.
I have the young local loggers helping with the scrounging this year. When a man gets in his mid 60's he gets a little tired.View attachment 674718

If you're looking for a trailer load of 8' up here you're scrounging , unless you know someone or have a connection , good luck .
I've got friends calling me over the last couple of weeks looking for loads .
I'd say they're scrounging lol
At least I know a trucker but I don't give out his number ;)