Put them in a couple 5 gallon buckets for starting the wood stove.
The 590s will push noodles out the if they won't go out the bottom. Haven't been able to clog that saw.
Brought in two loads of dead Oak today. First load was a couple 10-12" trees. The second was a little over 20" and I had to skid it out of the woods first. Hope I get the pics in order, but if I don't you can figure it out. Threw the tree in the only open spot in the woods. Hung two snatch blocks in trees to skid out to driveway. The first block had to pull the log to the left about 20' to clear the stump and another tree. Took the rope out of that block and pulled the log back about 50' to the right. That lined it up with the drive. Continued to pull the rope up till most of the log was off the ground. Put a couple big cinder blocks under the log and lowered it back down. Bucked up the log and loaded it. Then tied the rope on the top of the downed tree and snaked it out, ready to get next trip.
Grind it out and weld with 11018 electrodes. Use a slight preheat (200f) and allow to cool slowly such as laying it between a couple pieces of insulation.Yep, like Ron said , it is a Plumb. I have several Plumb axes, including the pretty one that Multifaceted hung for me. It's on a hand shaved octagonal haft. The one in the picture is the perfect weight for splitting straight grained wood. It has a thin handle that gives quite a bit of whip to it, very good axe speed. Unfortunately, it has a small crack in the eye. I might try having it welded.
Here's the cruiser that Multifaceted hung for me. It'sthe 3rd from the left.
We’ll stay in safe waters with this question. A couple times a year I get really big trees given to me so I want to get a bigger bar for one of my 7900. The bar won’t be used all the time, just on the big donations, usually 3’- 4’ dia oak, occasional maple. Should I get a 28” or 32” bar and what chain. Probably going to Nate’s shop to bounce it off him and make my purchase there but would like to hear your opinions. Thanks.
That seems cheap based on the claims, they are around 85-90 online here.The only thing that I scrounged this week so far is a pair of Bekinas https://www.bekina-boots.com/en/boots/industry/thermolite
Brand new for 45 Canadian frog skins .
Bucking 4' means climbing on it to get a smaller bar to eat enough of the far side to make it through from the one side of the log. Otherwise have to swap sides to finish the cut. I find that gets old pretty quickly. Maybe because I'm vertically challenged and my lil legs don't like climbing up on 4' logs much. 36" isn't difficult or that tiresome to handle when bucking. Felling, sure, but bucking, not in my experience. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree. For giggles, I've run a 42" on the 7900 bucking pine. But had to take it easy because it was full comp chain and stock oiler!I guess I might be the odd man out here, but if you are just bucking 3 to 4 foot wood I would go with the 28” or shorter with a 7900. Though my 82cc saws easily handle a 33” bar running 3/8” full comp chain, I believe I can buck faster with a 25” bar. Especially in the 3 foot range and in situations where the working space is cramped. A steady diet of 4 foot plus is easier handled with a bigger old saw that you basically just sit down and keep the trigger pulled after your first cut. Even there I usually limit myself to a 33” bar though I have 36”, 42” and 50+” bars. A 28” bar will cut 4 foot just as fast as a 32” bar. And will handle better. And likely be less tiring. If you are cutting over 4 1/2 foot wood then go for the 32”. If you were falling 3 to 4 foot trees, I would say to go with the longest bar your 7900 can pull with authority.
Not sure there is much performance difference between skip and full comp chains unless you are running .404 or an 8 pin assuming the performance of a 7900 is not significantly greater than my 82cc saws.
Take my opinions for what they are worth - maybe not much, but I dare say compared to the typical weekend firewooder I cut a lot of wood of this size.
I’ve got that short leg syndrome too, plus needing a hip and a knee replaced I don’t want to be doing any mor climbing than needed. Probably when I go see Nate I’ll get a 32” TsuMura and a full comp chain, if I have to I’ll go to semi skip. Those 7900 are pretty gutsy saws. Thanks.Bucking 4' means climbing on it to get a smaller bar to eat enough of the far side to make it through from the one side of the log. Otherwise have to swap sides to finish the cut. I find that gets old pretty quickly. Maybe because I'm vertically challenged and my lil legs don't like climbing up on 4' logs much. 36" isn't difficult or that tiresome to handle when bucking. Felling, sure, but bucking, not in my experience. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree. For giggles, I've run a 42" on the 7900 bucking pine. But had to take it easy because it was full comp chain and stock oiler!
Bucking 4' means climbing on it to get a smaller bar to eat enough of the far side to make it through from the one side of the log. Otherwise have to swap sides to finish the cut. I find that gets old pretty quickly. Maybe because I'm vertically challenged and my lil legs don't like climbing up on 4' logs much. 36" isn't difficult or that tiresome to handle when bucking. Felling, sure, but bucking, not in my experience. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree. For giggles, I've run a 42" on the 7900 bucking pine. But had to take it easy because it was full comp chain and stock oiler!
Good point on the dawgs, especially the Makita dawgs, they’re on steroids. You definitely lose bar length with those eagle talons sticking out the front.Good point. No argument from me that if a log is too big for you to reach over then you need a bar long enough to make up the difference. I don’t know how tall Dahmer is nor how long his arms are. Four and a half feet is about the height when I start to encounter the issue you raise. No matter how tall you are a true 28” is about maxed out at that size with dawgs. Some 28” bars are actually closer to 27” even before you consider the dawgs.
Stone stock doesnt even have a muff mod.You running full comp? Your Dolly is ported ain’t it?