Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Troubles, problems, but F it!!!

My well stopped working this AM. They want to pull the pump on Monday, but my brother and my friend Harold think something else is wrong. My brother and the well guys will be over Monday morning. In the meantime, I'm hooked up to my next door neighbor's hose.

Will be going up to the cabin with Harold for Vet day (tomorrow + Sun). I hear reports it may be snow up there.

I have to move lots of milled boards and a fence for them to access the well, but heavy rain all day today. Very frustrating!
Was good/bad day.

Good got that 7' bucket of cherry split. Nieghbor came by and lent a hand. All I did was run the lever. Honda started 1st pull fourth use since its fits. Calling that fixed.

Bad went to make a test cut in an oak log with the 011 and punching way over its class there...

The muffler rattled off in the cut n melted a pin hole in the starter cover. Did Stihl ever design a simple lock for exhaust screws like the old Jonsereds ECT? Lost a clean original top cover on the 038 to a cracked cover not long ago.

Anyway snow got heavy for a while along with some gusty winds. Said heck gonna call it and go enjoy some heat and coffee. Between the wind and humidity blah!

I hear what your saying "ONE" !!! after getting stuck the other day its been a "stay at home and fix chit " till it all hardens up before I head back to the bad azz woods on Monday next! lol but I did get the winch mounted for any further adventures in/on a slippery slope.... +6 for an over night low so this will help!
I worked most of the day in the crappy weather, wet snow and a nasty wind. Cut up a pile of limbwood in approx. 32" lengths for the OWB. I might even get some of it stacked on Sunday even if it's raining. My wife's side of the family is having Christmas tomorrow. I thought long and hard about it and sometimes you just gotta do what's right. She'll be going by herself and I'll be suffering in silence alone at an auction sale. I'm sure she'll understand and if not well I'm sure I'll get a bunch of wood stacked in crates on Sunday. I should probably take a little snack out of the cupboard and hide it out in the shop tonight too as I figure dinner might be a little sparse Sunday night.
Also have a big Amish sale coming up on Thursday this week, but I took a day off work for that. I'm working in Toronto all week so will stay overnight and go straight to the sale. They have a couple of conveyors I just might need. Maybe a couple more splitters too and some pretty good sausages.
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View attachment 684224 Do any of you know if stihl makes an 8 pin picco rim? I'd like one for the 16" 3/8lp setup on the 490 if they do.
Supposedly (according to Oregon), you can use their 3/8 rim for either LP or standard 3/8 chain. I had a 7 point on my 346 before I got a reworked Stihl from @Homelite410. I had no problems with it. I'll bring it (the Oregon rim) along to the GTG if you want to give it a try. Let me know.
My wife's side of the family is having Christmas tomorrow. I thought long and hard about it and sometimes you just gotta do what's right.

You're so right. It's our wedding anniversary next week so I've planned a day out cutting wood then catching up with the boys for a crapload of beers :cheers:.
What do they think is wrong?

They think the pump is fried, the guy touched my well cap and got "juiced". However, my friend and my brother both think if that were the case the breaker would have tripped, and it did not.

My well is anything but shallow. 1,330 feet, with pump at 860. 2 Hp 3 phase pump. My brother suspects they may have installed the 3 phase controller wrong. My static level is between 400 + 500 feet. Well was drilled deeper, and pump installed just over 3 years ago. They say pump is covered, but not labor.
They think the pump is fried, the guy touched my well cap and got "juiced". However, my friend and my brother both think if that were the case the breaker would have tripped, and it did not.

My well is anything but shallow. 1,330 feet, with pump at 860. 2 Hp 3 phase pump. My brother suspects they may have installed the 3 phase controller wrong. My static level is between 400 + 500 feet. Well was drilled deeper, and pump installed just over 3 years ago. They say pump is covered, but not labor.
Mike i watched my well doctor check mine and he knew right away when he checked the controller/ pressure switch with his meter that the pump was bad. Check the pressure switch and the pipe that the gauge is attached to. the small pipe can get clogged sometimes. Not sure why you would be getting juiced at the well cap. Good luck buddy.
My plumber said it's usually not the pump, but the wiring. He said the vibration of the pump will rub a hole in the wiring if it's touching the casing anywhere, and at that depth, it may be hard to keep the wire away from anything. If it rubbed a hole in the wire that may be why your getting zapped. But, you would think that would trip the breaker. Good luck.
They think the pump is fried, the guy touched my well cap and got "juiced". However, my friend and my brother both think if that were the case the breaker would have tripped, and it did not.

My well is anything but shallow. 1,330 feet, with pump at 860. 2 Hp 3 phase pump. My brother suspects they may have installed the 3 phase controller wrong. My static level is between 400 + 500 feet. Well was drilled deeper, and pump installed just over 3 years ago. They say pump is covered, but not labor.
1330 ft! Does the water taste like rice? Cause that’s almost to China.
Was good/bad day.

Good got that 7' bucket of cherry split. Nieghbor came by and lent a hand. All I did was run the lever. Honda started 1st pull fourth use since its fits. Calling that fixed.

Bad went to make a test cut in an oak log with the 011 and punching way over its class there...

The muffler rattled off in the cut n melted a pin hole in the starter cover. Did Stihl ever design a simple lock for exhaust screws like the old Jonsereds ECT? Lost a clean original top cover on the 038 to a cracked cover not long ago.

Anyway snow got heavy for a while along with some gusty winds. Said heck gonna call it and go enjoy some heat and coffee. Between the wind and humidity blah!

Never does warmth & coffee (or other beverages) seem so comforting as when it follows a bit of adversity.
My plumber said it's usually not the pump, but the wiring. He said the vibration of the pump will rub a hole in the wiring if it's touching the casing anywhere, and at that depth, it may be hard to keep the wire away from anything. If it rubbed a hole in the wire that may be why your getting zapped. But, you would think that would trip the breaker. Good luck.

I was just gonna say that. I had the same issue and the wire had rubbed bare. It also did not trip my breaker. Just didn't have any water. But mines only 330 feet deep, not 1300! Holy smokes that's gotta be some good water!
My dog is a Spaz. I think he has CAD. He’s like, “look at me, I’m king of the wood pile!”.

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