The cabin is Ash Post +Beam milled with the chainsaw from blown down Ash Trees (that will likely never re grow due to the Emerald Ash Bore). The solar panel worked well in the summer for our lights, but does not seem to work as well in the winter. The sides are just stained 5/8 plywood. We put cement board around the bottom to protect it from Porcupines. Broccoli from the garden.
looks good MM, enjoyed seeing it. liked the in-progress framing shot! I quit growing broccoli down here. cabbage does well, grows well, large heads and sweet. but unless its real cold a lot like low teens and 20's which kills the fall tomatoes...
garden fresh okra frying in bit of olive oil... can't get this stuff at the grocery store. but as u say... and know... its not a free ride. lol... lots of work, but fun and interesting ... if not a bit challenging at times. grow the same thing year after year... and each year will be different...
one thing about gardening that always amazes me... is the seed. seems dry and dead! and can keep for years if cold. couple seasons back I grew a bunch a limas... I had the seeds from a plant I grew 23 years ago... and the seeds grew well. just put a seed in the soil, moisten... and viola! ~
life emerges.