I got the Japa pto shaft made up and the saw blade turns and cuts wood. The hydraulic oil was way down and I forgot to get more after the last line broke on my tractor so wasn't able to get the splitter cylinder to move. I'm thinking there is something wrong with the vale anyway as there is no resistance at all when you move it back and forth. I'm going to pull a couple of hydraulic lines off first and make sure the pump is working before I take the valve off though. A new one is cheap and makes it easier to resell.
I took the auto cycle valve out of the box and drooled over it until I remembered it was US $500 for it. And I'll likely need $75 of fittings to mount it too. Should speed things up though. I got one of the Dragon's breath heaters ready to mount on the ceiling but ran out of desire to finish it. Decided to paly with the grand kids and nephews instead. Now everyone has gone home and I'm getting pretty comfortable just sitting here.
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that auto-return valve speaks for itself! nice piece.
that is quite a rig!! that saw almost hints of Halloween..yikes!
>and I'm getting pretty comfortable just sitting here.
I can relate... lol