Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Mower I don't but Grinder hell yes! Higher Frequencies have far more energy and cause more damage. I wear ear muffs to drill a hole in the wall, run a circular saw, plunge saw.... Just about any power tool. Wish I'd started before I noticed the ringing but hey ho.

good for you! smart behavior. better late than never...

I wear plugs and muffs if I run my saws. even plugs to walk dog, his bark is BIG! I even wear ear plugs when raking pine needles on the cement driveway... quieter, you know.

spotted a potential scrounge other day on side of residential driveway. couple good wheelbarrow fills. long limbs. could be oak. think I will go back tomorrow with saw in back... and see if they want it removed.

Happy Holidays to all. great pix, btw! :)
I'm a softie for good ole dogs. Lost mine 7 months ago at 14 years and 4 months. Went to work with me every day. Still haven't got past his passing. View attachment 691612 View attachment 691615

that's tuff! thanks for sharing, pix too. I have a 12 yr old male... I know the inevitable is coming. I tell him almost daily, as I pet him... "well, u r still here today. ... you can stay as long as you like. forever would be just fine!' all my dogs are buried on my property. I still have them all! 4 generations or so. I think I heard it best once on dog docu show on cable...

" they just don't stay long enough!"

Ran my newest creation today, an Asian 660 (Blue Beast) with an 066 cylinder. Saw was well mannered and ran strong, especially for being on it's first tank of fuel.

Was also my first time out cutting since I pinched a nerve in my back 3+ weeks ago. My PT guy said just don't oved do it, so I didn't.

It is a Red Maple at my Daughter's house. The Town took it down because the Tornado in the Spring broke the telephone pole and oil from the transformer was all over this tree.

The 28" bar barely poked through it. My Mustang likes the color! Have more pics, but they are "too large"


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Ran my newest creation today, an Asian 660 (Blue Beast) with an 066 cylinder. Saw was well mannered and ran strong, especially for being on it's first tank of fuel.

Was also my first time out cutting since I pinched a nerve in my back 3+ weeks ago. My PT guy said just don't oved do it, so I didn't.

It is a Red Maple at my Daughter's house. The Town took it down because the Tornado in the Spring broke the telephone pole and oil from the transformer was all over this tree.

The 28" bar barely poked through it. My Mustang likes the color! Have more pics, but they are "too large"

mustang looks great! I like the saw in the foreground and lake or river in the background! nice setting...

oh! ... and all the wood chunks in the middle, too!... lol
Dogs are family. Philbert

:yes: my dad always referred to them as our... 'hairy children'. lol

we live with 2 male Norwegian elkhounds in the house. mostly one area. the hair issue is never done. only maintained! lol... always dog hair somewhere. but we wouldn't have it any other way. besides, we got sev good vacs... one being a 70's Kirby Omega. for me, I wouldn't have any other, other than maybe a shop vac for shop...

but omg, can I fill that bag fast...:laughing:

:cheers:to ya all!
mustang looks great! I like the saw in the foreground and lake or river in the background! nice setting...

That is Putnam Lake (man made). My Daughter has lake rights there, very convenient for the 3 kids! The last few years Bald Eagles have been nesting there, one took a fish out of the water when I was swimming to the dock last year.
That is the nice thing about our pit mixes, almost no shedding at all! Bad news is you have to put coats on them in the winter. Our Brown guy (Linus) is almost bald on his belly, you can see his skin.

oic, lol! me, too... I am bald on my belly, in fact, you can even see my skin! :laughing:

Went to the neighbors with the tractor and splitter to do my good for today. Split four buckets of boxelder for him to heat his shop. He is fixing yet another bearing on his combine. Which might get to the field yet!

Any way he had been scrounging wood every morning or so. More chasing his tail then getting to it. So I figured even though I couldn't get away to help with the combine...

I could eliminate his wood issue in a hurry.
Went to the neighbors with the tractor and splitter to do my good for today. Split four buckets of boxelder for him to heat his shop. He is fixing yet another bearing on his combine. Which might get to the field yet! Any way he had been scrounging wood every morning or so. More chasing his tail then getting to it. So I figured even though I couldn't get away to help with the combine... I could eliminate his wood issue in a hurry.

...yet another! boy, that says it all. nothing worse on a combine that a shaft's failed bearing... other than both ends... nice u could help him with the wood splitting.