Drove past a home after taking the little one to art class this morning. They have been sitting around for a while.....no answer when I knocked on the door so I left a note.....
hope u get it. nice chunks!!
Drove past a home after taking the little one to art class this morning. They have been sitting around for a while.....no answer when I knocked on the door so I left a note.....
Beautiful day, out firewood cruising
Had a cancellation today, so got to play with the 462 some more, just love it with a 20" bar.
Cut up some of the Black Walnut (pictured), and some Black Cherry (not pictured).
A neighbor with a the Black Cherry actually called to me when I was out there cutting up the Black Walnut.
Said if I cut it up, I could leave it there and get it in the Spring … Done!
Boy do I hate cleaning the small limbs up from a tree like that. PITA
Do you guys get alot of snow? We normally have wet winters and all the stuff out there is soaked. The stuff on my fence line is sun/wind all day all year. I cant really tell if its just water on the surface or if its wet all the way through.
I always had my wood outside, but I would fill two log hoops inside near the stove, would burn from one to dry the other, then when it was empty, re fill it and start burning from the other hoop. That way it always dries a little before going into the stove.
My buddy had this in his shed for 2 yrs - has some kinda fungus that bothers his family when they burn it inside - so iI grabbed it and will burn it in the out door burner ! Score ! Its in my 14x7 dump - I figure just a bit over a cord View attachment 701640
I always found that Black Cherry seems to produce more heat than the BTU rating would indicate, and coals up nicely. Just be careful in a fire place, it pops!
I had to catch up with Pioneerguy600
I found him
Today we cut some dead standing and dead top stuff close to the road
We even did our part to feed deer and rabbits
We both had a go at being Donk
The pile continues to grow , it was a great afternoon![]()
Glad you guys brought that up. I'm out of "dry" wood in the shed. The rest of the stuff I have is outside exposed to all the elements and has only been there since spring. Cherry, hackberry, oak and some ash. Supposed to rain here most of the week. Do any of you pull wood strait off the stack outside thats only been out a year and burn it? I put stuff next to the stove to warm up and dry out but I dont think I can dry wood fast enough like that. Should I just give up and turn the furnace on?
I've got oak on next years rack that's only been split/stacked for a year or a little less I wouldn't hesitate to burn it. We did it for years and never had a problem. I don't have a wood shed my wood sit on racks out in the elements all the time. View attachment 712611
Real warm today, walked the dogs and had to take my jacket off.
Hackberry burns okay. Definitely not a softer wood. A little tough to split but usually seasons fairly quick.what about the hackberry wood?
how does the hackberry burn? I note some use it as a firewood, but some references called it a soft(er) wood. do you like it? burn it inside or outside. I am asking because there is a lot avail across town free if I want to go get some. or resonalble delivery fee if I want what is about 5/6 cords. clean limbs, trunks, uncut and of course... unsplit!![]()
Hackberry burns okay. Definitely not a softer wood. A little tough to split but usually seasons fairly quick.
tough to split as in the chunk wont give in? or tough as in the wood splits but wont separate easily? stringers, etc?
We’ve been behind on our firewood for 3 winters. Life happens. We do the same, I bring 5+ days worth inside at a time from the woodshed. After a few days by the wood stove, the stuff is much more dry.Glad you guys brought that up. I'm out of "dry" wood in the shed. The rest of the stuff I have is outside exposed to all the elements and has only been there since spring. Cherry, hackberry, oak and some ash. Supposed to rain here most of the week. Do any of you pull wood strait off the stack outside thats only been out a year and burn it? I put stuff next to the stove to warm up and dry out but I dont think I can dry wood fast enough like that. Should I just give up and turn the furnace on?