Some has more than others for sure.
Yes chew a piece of plantain and put it on stings, bug bites, splinters, wire pokes, and the like, and the ichy burning feeling goes right away, go God.
Your right Steve, it grows right around the thorns, the honey locust is a whole different animal

That is a very nice score.
Biggest issue with locust is knowing how to manage the coals. I like dragging them forward, opening the draft, then close the door and watch the blue flames

Down side is it will pop alot and can send hot coals sailing so it's not the best for a fireplace, besides it doesn't smell the best either. When I have a lot of new coals I will open the draft and let the goals get a good blast of fresh air so it doesn't pop as much when I open the door.
Glad you don't live around here

I've noticed it grows in smaller stands, and is usually mixed in with cherry which is the perfect wood to mix with it. Once I find a nice stand of it I grab as much as I can. There is a 10 acre lot about 2 miles from the house I want on so bad, there's got to be 50 nice sized ones leaning on it. I delivered a bunch of wood to the guy across the street and he says they won't allow anyone to cut

. The good thing is unlike Ash it will be good for another 50 yrs, I'm patient
