Mill 'em, nails be damned.
thanks. Read you loud and clear. Winch clutch is the weak point here. My previous smaller tractor would stall but not Nemo. Next fail point will probably be the webbing slings that attach a block. Also very important to have the winch lined up in direction of pull because the dozer blade that transfers the load off the 3ph and anchors the tractor can dig in pretty deep. If one cnr of it took most of the load it's asking a lot of one of the link arms not to mention the far front cnr of the tractor gets rather lightweight quite quickly. Nemo has great brakes but without the dozer blade on the winch they are no match for the loads involved.Careful dancing around that edge @KiwiBro!
On the winch I just installed the winch itself at 8,000 pound capacity on the first wrap of the drum is the weakest link of the recovery gear set up. Next is the cable at between 9 & 10,000 pounds. Next is the winch to truck mount at 12,000 pounds (though that's a little subjective given my welding ability) There was actually a little thought given to these "planned failure" points.
Winch capacity drops as the layer of cable away from the drum increases. If your pulling from the 1st layer of cable with a 3t winch and you double or triple the pull with snatch blocks the "edge of disingration" (I like that term!) might rise up quickly. Know where it is and be careful.
Really should get some pics of this butt log cresting the hill if it actually makes it that far. Am not sure uniforest or kioti had that I'm mind when designing their products.