Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Did some 32" splitting last night and tonight. 4 1/2 hours to make this pile with the conveyor. Another hour tonight would have finished the pile of rounds but I didn't have another hour in me. It's a muddy mess but I'm sick of house renovating so I'm hitting the splitter. I'm not going to put it into the crates until the weather gets better to move heavy stuff around. That pile of splits is about 12' high. Weather forecast looks like crappy weather for awhile but I have 75 logs stacked up then I could cut to 16" rounds if I wanted to.
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HOLY CRAP!! all the wood you guys cut and you can't cut a stick to find water? :buttkick: :laugh:

EDIT: ash and willow work best. no spruce.:rolleyes:

I was told the exact same thing , "You have to use a piece of hardwood !" eons ago when I was kneehigh to a grasshopper ,,,,, but ,,,, I knew nothing about the world of the majestic SPRUCE'S and their magical powers ....

Not that I'm anti stick but I have witched using lengths of coat hanger bent in a L. Works for finding burried cables and pipes as well.

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Well there young man , I see that the SPRUCE runs deep in in your veins young Grasshopper.

Not that I'm anti stick but I have witched using lengths of coat hanger bent in a L. Works for finding burried cables and pipes as well.

Sent from my CLT-L04 using Tapatalk
i read that coat hangers work good but i thought cutting them would be hard on chains. :crazy2::crazy2:
I believe the old guy (since passed) that I knew who was very good at it preferred Witch Hazel. I remember my brother and I were very skeptical, so he put the stick in our hands and let us walk with it and we did not remain skeptical. That thing really pulled down when you crossed an underground stream.

He said he could also find gold with it, but would not do so for money. When my Uncle's first wife lost her wedding ring in deep snow, he told them where it was. They searched, but could not find it, but when all the snow melted, there it was, right where he said it would be.

He also told us he could detect where radiation came out of the ground, and said that it could give you cancer, and he cautioned my Uncle not to spend a lot of time in one of the rooms in the old saw mill he sold my Uncle (we used it as a hunting cabin). This was in the late 60s, long before I ever heard of Radon! He said it was why the cows knew not to eat the grass in some locations.

He used to operate the saw mill by himself, mostly milling Hemlock, and worked with a horse that was trained to drag the logs to the saw mill, back up to un hook, and return for the next log all by himself (he would generally have the next log ready for the horse by then). He was a real interesting guy! I believe the local High School kids in Margaretville did a project about him before he passed, his name was Elbert Hull.
Very interesting hearing about other folks wells. I live in my grandparent's old house. When my grandpa built it he had a well drilled and never hit water. They had a cistern put in and had water trucked in. Several years later and tired of paying for water a friend of my grandpa's witched for the new well. They hit water. Lots of water. The well is 120 feet with a static level of about 15'. I had to replace the pump about 8 years ago now. Of course the old pump died at the worst time. So had the guys out who drilled the well. They pulled it by hand, replaced the pump, and good to go.

A couple years ago we were having issues with the well. Sometimes water, sometimes not. It was September and really dry. I thought the worst, dried up. They came out, checked the pressure tank and switch, good. Pulled the pump. A wire had the coating worn off from the pump torquing. They spliced it, checked the rest of the wires, the pump was good. Dropped it back down. Even in September in dry weather the static level was about 15'. I'm grateful.
I may have an expensive scrounge here soon, unfortunately. We were gone on spring break last week. Lots of strong wind at home last Thursday. One good sized black cherry fell on a fence. I'm glad it fell that way though. 90 degrees the other way and it would have been on the pole barn. I had a chance to look at it last night. I was walking around the pole barn and noticed a problem with a tree. It's a 24" shagbark hickory about 30' from the pole barn. West of the barn. The wind split the trunk at the base. The tree has a natural lean towards the pole barn to get light anyway. There's a 30" white oak between the hickory and the pole barn. If the hickory falls north its on the barn. If it falls south it misses. The natural weight should miss, *should*. But add wind and all bets are off.

I called insurance just to see, they won't cover the tree unless if falls on the pole barn. Then they'll cover it all. Even though the storm damaged the tree. It doesn't surprise me, but I was hopeful. Just wish they'd cover the removal, before they have to pay more in damage.

Before I say more, I'm not touching it! Too big, too much risk. In the open woods it'd be sketchy with the split. Of course I still have ideas in my head. There's a couple white oaks right in the direction it needs to fall, and is weighted that way. Tie to the tree and pull with a maasdam. I'm not, but ideas.

I have a call in to the tree guy I get lots of wood from. I'll see what he says. He can get his bucket truck near it. I definitely don't want to spend the money though. Just sucks. Maybe I can work something out with him too. Trade work or something. I can't believe a hickory did that.
Auction today. My wife tells me that I already have one of these, I guess I'll have to take a look but it's too late now, I'm a Stihl buyer and not a Stihl seller. It started on the 1st pull and it's a loud beast. Got a phase converter pretty cheap too, my son says he needs it. Was a bunch of other Stihls but nothing I needed. Drywall screw gun was $10, 1/2" drill was $20 and the box which is full of new paint brushes and roller sleeves was $35. Plus fees. of course. I had a terrible day, I locked my keys and my phone in the truck at the same time. Took me 1/2 hour being steaming mad until I remembered it had a keypad entry then I had to borrow a phone to call my wife for the code. I hate getting old.
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Auction today. My wife tells me that I already have one of these, I guess I'll have to take a look but it's too late now, I'm a Stihl buyer and not a Stihl seller. It started on the 1st pull and it's a loud beast. Got a phase converter pretty cheap too, my son says he needs it. Was a bunch of other Stihls but nothing I needed. Drywall screw gun was $10, 1/2" drill was $20 and the box which is full of new paint brushes and roller sleeves was $35. Plus fees. of course. I had a terrible day, I locked my keys and my phone in the truck at the same time. Took me 1/2 hour being steaming mad until I remembered it had a keypad entry then I had to borrow a phone to call my wife for the code. I hate getting old.
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I carry a spare remote in my change pocket for times like that.
Cabin fever about over. After being inundated with snow falls almost every day in Feb with much below temps, the wx has cleared and have been above freezing for almost 2 weeks. Snow about gone so I took a drive out to cutting patch to see how things are going there. Still lots of snow in the fields but the ground around the trees is bare. Where I am working has been planted in willow for over a hundred years so there is a very good layer of 'duff'. Wet but I can work on it. I'll give the weather another day and fell a big willow on Friday.

Split a wagon load of buckskin rounds today - sledge/wedge, isocore, Fiskars. Made short work of it but at least I felt I had done something.
Auction today. My wife tells me that I already have one of these, I guess I'll have to take a look but it's too late now, I'm a Stihl buyer and not a Stihl seller. It started on the 1st pull and it's a loud beast. Got a phase converter pretty cheap too, my son says he needs it. Was a bunch of other Stihls but nothing I needed. Drywall screw gun was $10, 1/2" drill was $20 and the box which is full of new paint brushes and roller sleeves was $35. Plus fees. of course. I had a terrible day, I locked my keys and my phone in the truck at the same time. Took me 1/2 hour being steaming mad until I remembered it had a keypad entry then I had to borrow a phone to call my wife for the code. I hate getting old.
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nice score, I love my little 011 very handy
I have a MS291 and it is even a bit heavy for some of the small cuts I do. And some days I do lots of those small cuts.
Guess I'll need a smaller saw too.
Now how to convince the wife that I really need another saw....hmmmm

I run a 029super (similar to your 291 only it's allowed to breath and isn't smogged down like the newer versions. It's a little bit heavyish but not too bad but I do enjoy running my little Oleomac 936 as its nice and light and it's only 36cc but you really wouldn't know it the way the thing cuts, it smashes through a lot of Aussie Hardwood each year and never misses a beat.

I couldn't tell you what either weighs.

Auction today. My wife tells me that I already have one of these, I guess I'll have to take a look but it's too late now, I'm a Stihl buyer and not a Stihl seller. It started on the 1st pull and it's a loud beast. Got a phase converter pretty cheap too, my son says he needs it. Was a bunch of other Stihls but nothing I needed. Drywall screw gun was $10, 1/2" drill was $20 and the box which is full of new paint brushes and roller sleeves was $35. Plus fees. of course. I had a terrible day, I locked my keys and my phone in the truck at the same time. Took me 1/2 hour being steaming mad until I remembered it had a keypad entry then I had to borrow a phone to call my wife for the code. I hate getting old.
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I take it you bought the paint brushes for your wife? :innocent: