Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Big sky day up here today !

Hmmm , looks like I'm late :(


We worked the same area that I was in yesterday , had to use the Donkcam again lol


We got a couple of rows in Jerry's truck and a row of 24" in mine



It was a great day , we did a walkabout and found a chit ton of dead maple that we're gonna have to make a new trail to get .
It was a great afternoon :)
Stock , it's lackluster , open the muffler , get rid of the cat and internal plumbing and it's a different saw .
The Av is good so it's smooth in the hands and it starts easy , plenty of power with a 12" bar , I might try a 14" but I like it with the 12" .
I dropped a 12" pine and a 10" maple with it today , no need to go get a bigger saw :)
Fuel mileage is real good .
No that was pretty normal for me, sometimes 30 or more cans a day at times, sometimes 90 cans in 2 days sometimes more.

I don't mind a drink and can drink hence my decision I had to change and change I did, I don't drink alcohol at all now - I just stopped dead, I don't feel any better for it which is a bit disappointing in some ways but happy for now not to be drinking alcohol.:drinkingcoffee:

good for you to stop. all I could say was, "OMG! his poor liver!" 30 cans a day! wow how many oz? 16? 12? or? brand if u don't mind saying...
Cutting back or stopping the drinking is long term healthy for ya. Luckily, I realized I had to do it when I first got married and had a daughter. Many of my friends never changed, and we have buried a # of them and others are just disabled, many of them younger than me. It is a shame.

Guys that can't drive their nice cars any more, or don't get to see their Grandkids grow up … what a shame! I don't want that to be me!

u r right MM - happened here last night... well, early this morning. 2 am. N side of town. alcohol involved. nice new white pickup truck and a new gray Camaro. only half the Camaro remained. and the p/u looked like a jump for some snowboarding competition... two women... one DUI.... x'd over the centerline and hit the other. the Camaro hit the truck. full on headon!! square on the kisser!! BOOM! said those who had heard it. the Camaro spun off the road and burst into flames. driver, trapped... perished on scene. p/u driver dragged from vehicle, but passed at hospital. gruesome... drinking and driving, dozing or texting. as u say...

… what a shame!
I've got a pair of those two tone disco shoes from the 80's. The ones with 3" soles. Just sayin, there yours if you want them?

:laughing::laughing: great story! :heart: the honesty! :yes: I gotz a pretty good story, too... but I am keeping it on the QT! but thanks for sharing... :D
I was thinking of using snow fence like a cargo net to hold against the page wire fence. I've been wanting to try building a beehive stack for a while ever since I read this book. Might have to give it a go.

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thanks. just ordered it from my local library. looking fwd to getting it. D ick Proenneke from AK - Twin Lakes always did his cutting by hand. he called a chain saw a Norwegian Wood Rasp! lol
I usually prefer Red Wine in the cooler weather, but yea, 2 or 3 wine or beer a day is just fine for most of us.

But when you've killed a 6 pack for breakfast … Houston, we have a problem!

umm, MM - that's a 6-pk before noon, right? lol
Winter made a comeback here this weekend. Carried another stack of wood up today to get us through the week.

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same here, but on a bit dif scale. cold weekend for us. worked outside all day today. breezy at times, but enjoyed the coolness. knowing it soon will be gone.
Dont know how anyone on AS can say man maid climate change and then fire up a saw and cut wood.

Heating with wood is far better than any other source. When wood decays it releases CO2, when it burns it releases CO2. It is pretty much carbon neutral as that wood will eventually release the same amount of CO2 as when we burn it. Of course that is in the long run as burning releases it sooner.
umm, MM - that's a 6-pk before noon, right? lol

One of my brothers crawled into a beer bottle at 16 and never surfaced. He would down 2 while waiting for the coffee to make in the mornings. He died in his 40s from alcohol problems.

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