today I went on a Scrounging Safari. instead of just scrounging on my street, I cased the entire neighborhood on my bike. 6 mile bike ride. found one oak limb free for the taking, side of road, one oak limb drop, homeowner said, "sure u can have it. thanks for cutting it up. any time is fine". 2 trunks leaned up against their fence, so have to ask them

[lol] and one rather nice pile. looks to be oak, and seems it wasn't put there yesterday. nobody home this evening. the plot is thickening...
in between rain showers and rain, sometime a bit too much... I followed up on the Scrounging Safari yesterday. here is what happened:
1) after trying to get the rain to stop, kicked up just as i was loading up... went to get a small oak branch on side of road. headed to the city's trash dump eventually, I was happy enough to repurpose that limb's inevitable destination. house next door had workers and stickers on window. permit. I walked over to look at a stump. then walked back to limb.
2) I noticed someone walking over. had a sense of authority in gait... hmm, maybe a homeowner by looks of things? his greeting -
"Hey there! what are you doing!!?" feeling confident in my reason to be there, I walked over and said, "hi, you the resident?" he was. just bought the place. I introduced myself, he was all smiles, we talked trees, etc , the neighborhood and I left with some Bonus Scrounge Stumps. 3. 14" or so x 3-4". not oak, but ok for outdoors. ie, more wood!
3) he showed me his 'new' house and their plans, ideas, etc. lots of 1950's originality to it, large corner lot and a gas and woodburning fireplace, too. I liked it. then next door neighbor shows up. u looking for wood? sure, what kind u got? oak... sure. then he says to burn or turn? huh... wood turning? I say to burn. oh, no... not this... and he left. but, a neighbor even if I did not know him... so when I left I went over to say hi. we hit it off well. a fellow gear head type. and had set off his garage a small engine repair shop. [omg] mostly 2-strokes, weed wackers and saws. side line I asked? [not allowed by HOA] stutters a bit, then says no, just friends and family.

I mean how many of family can have saws needing service to warrant a separate shop? lol. but, nbd, we got along and I could tell I had made a new friend.
4) so I was off to get the oak limb drop. that went smooth, no interuptions. had half a trunk of firewood. no doubt a fire or two in there...
5) went over to area park. noticed a healthy oak had a dead limb coming out of it. 3-4" at base. could fall and hurt someone, kid or... so I scrounged it out of tree and took it, leaving the two cuts I made painted out in black spray paint. bugs Rx and no trax...
6) then I went to see another neighbor about the wood pile by back fence, but he wasn't home. saw a bunch a drop from pine tree in front yard, couple houses over. noticed some oak up by house. well, maybe I could get that... so returned and stopped to say hi. inquire. nice neighbor, once I saw his chimney I figured he prob wanted the wood. yep! but it was a swell visit... he had a full-on cabinet shop set up in an earlier addition to the house, all JET tools. killer band saw, too. and he is a professional level artist working in wood and clay. and a very good builder. was building a new shop. if only all builders built like he did. had 2 more fireplaces, masonry... and he made the molds for the bricks. std firebrick etc for the flue. a swell visit. said his friend was a tree service and oft would call him to come scrounge what he was cutting. said he'd call me... to joint venture if I wanted. he had a couple of saws. one stihl. and some huskies... one with 26' bar! could have been 28"... just ur basic homeowner saw, lol -
all that over an afternoon bike ride just for the heck of it yesterday to see if I could scrounge up some more firewood. the small engine guy had a MS 180 he bot some 20 yrs ago... carb tweak and still running strong he said. definitely a one-owner saw... in the cream puff leagues. nary a scratch on it! said it had cut a lot of wood.
scrounged some free wood, and scrounged some new friends. tired from a long day, will post up some pix tomorrow...
like the Norwegian Wood book says, 'some things do grow on trees!' lol