I live in the suburbs, there is no logging here, there is no such thing as land clearing here, we dont really even have any woods that arent parkland or owned by rich people. So firewood here is hard to find in large quantities, but there are lots of places to get a little here and there. I do a ton of craigslist scrounging, especially in the spring and summer when people are doing yard work. In the warm seasons, there is so much on craigslist that I can pick and choose which ones I go to. I usually just hit the ones that are on my way home from work.
Lately I got an even better method though. The dept of public works in my town does a ton of removals, all of which are right out at the street. They chip the branches, then leave the tree there for a day, when they can come back with their log truck. Most of the time when they come back, the logs are already gone, except for the big pieces. Most of the scroungers around here are meixcans in 1987 toyotas. They show up with a 16" saw, fill their trunks and go, almost nothing over 20" is ever touched. When its close, I wrap a chain around the trunk and drag it home with my truck, right on the street. I spoke to two of the guys on the town tree crew and gave them my number for any big stuff in my neighborhood. Ive only gotten a couple calls from them so far, but both were great hauls.