I do the same thing with my 4" grinder, cuts them off real quick, but on chains I'm sharpening for others I usually leave them on. It's not like they are bore cutting with them so it doesn't slow them down, and a safety bumper isn't gonna slow down a semi-chisel chain much anyway, it's hard to get any slower, but both semi and the safety bumper have their place.
On the chains that have the small ramp I leave those as they do run a little smoother with them, but those don't get in the way of taking the rakers down much.
What type of husky guide do you use James, the roller guide, that's the one I like when I'm using a guide. Although I don't have one for picco/lp chain yet, not sure why, maybe cause I'm cheap
. The last guide I got was given to me by
@Flint Mitch , the one it replaced was worn thin as a razor blade(and had a hole in it), could put it in my bug out bag
Side note, have any of you guys had problems breaking the small files, I've broken a good number of them.