He was a very likable guy. But, he had been in trouble in his late teens. Drove the gettaway car in a hold up. Did his time and was an excellent climber/worker. Had been alcohol clean for 20 years. But, he just couldn't handle stress. He'd start to stress out and fire up a joint, or ask if he could take off the rest of the day, so he could go home and fire up a joint. One story I always tell about him is, he had a step daughter. She had a father/daughter science project. Sitting at the kitchen table with nothing but hand tools he made her a water clock. It had a tank on top, with a drip hole, that dripped on a paddle. The paddle turned gears, that turned the hands of the clock. He hand cut all of the gears sitting at the table. He made the whole thing out of scraps of Redwood from a deck he built. He had the thing so it would keep time to within about an hour a day. A man with many talents that just wasn't meant to live in the city. He thought all cops only came to work to find him doing something wrong. When he shot himself he was double parked in a high security zone in DC, waiting to have lunch with his wife. January 1986.