Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I started hitting quote but I was going to be quoting loads, so I'll just write a response.

The bill (just starting it's journey, 1st reading in a while away from law yet) had been coming a while, the did a consultation on it last year. We already have smoke control zones, large cities mainly, where only smokeless coal can be burnt, or wood in a modern DEFRA (department for environment food and rural affairs - part of the government) certified/exempt stoves. Ie. EPA stoves. You actually lead on this..... Europe copies and follows your EPA regs, you have just tightened I think? We tighten to the same regs next year. Anyway....we all know, modern stove and wet wood.... Still smoke. Now....I am a real oddity. Other then me, EVERY other stove owner in London and other cities runs it just for ambiance, burns 1/2 a cord a year..... Knows feck all about it, buys small quantities of wood at high prices, often poorly seasoned... Often just delivered into a pile on the drive to get wet in the rain. (we get plenty!). So you can see what happens. EU (we've left now but...) Has a law on air quality. We broke that law.... We got fined and forced to try and we tackle transport? No we tackle stoves :confused:. So the legislation. It doesn't stop the owner doing anything, it aims to make it impossible for the uninformed idiot to use bad fuel by banning the sale. No more nets of wet wood at petrol (gas) stations for Joe blogs to buy an evenings stove fuel in an attempt to get Mrs blogs feeling in the mood. All wood should be certified dry below 20%..... By an industry scheme.,... And a nice earner for them eh! Or larger quantities of green wood can be bought but must be sold with instructions on how to season it ...hahahahahahaaaaaaa. oh and btw, it's down to local councils to police the current smoke free zones and anyone, even me, burning with a DEFRA approved stove, can still be fined (a lot) for emitting smoke..... But no one is fined as the council's have no resources to enforce it. That resource issue won't change yet they now have the sellers to police as well. Yeah, right.

In summary.... Nice aim to clean our air quality but badly executed as basically.... We are not a nation they relies on wood heat and the knowledge of how to do it right is dwindling.

Trees carbon neutral? Yes and no. A rotting tree puts up to 50% of its carbon into the soil (don't trust the number)....a lot is the leaves it drops over it's life.... But still, trees do permanently sequester a lot of carbon and cutting them down is not entirely carbon neutral.

I saw a job advert last week for a position to drive the government clean heat strategy.... Crucial to meeting our legal commitment to be net zero carbon by 2050. As a civil servant looking for a new job..... I'll let you guess the rest.
And for the record, I CSS for the winter after my wood seasons for 12-24 months. When I've tested it with my very very cheap moisture meter is read 18-19%. Checking my location for average temps and humidity and the tables for equilibrium moisture that's about the best achievable in October to January, then we do normally dry a little so can season another 1-2%. I burn hot in my stove and it's rare to see anything more than a heat haze from my chimney. This winter had been incredibly wet and some of the country is suffering awful floods. It started raining mid September and hasn't stopped. Over a twice the average rain in that period. We've also had a few wind storms. My tarps don't manage to protect my stacks fully so I've had some damper wood. It gets stacked by the stove for a few hours and burnt with air vents open to get hot as possible. I suspect I'll have more creosote then normal but still very little and I still haven't seen more then a wisp of smoke for a few minutes after a reload.
Our favorite brew house closed up shop, so we moved up the road a mile. The new place lists their beer by types, like IPA’s, Pilsners, Dunkles. At the top of the list is:

Bud Lite
Miller Lite
Colors Lite
When I saw that I laughed so hard I had IPA squirting out my nose!

I used to hate IPAs, now that’s my preferred beer.
0227201206_HDR.jpg Had an hour or so between taking my mom to Dr.'s appointments so I decided to get my new toy out for the first time. Just got it back from @huskihl after a little massage. Runs great and can't wait to get it broke in. Also if you're looking for someone to do some port work on a saw Kevin was great to deal with.
View attachment 801780 Had an hour or so between taking my mom to Dr.'s appointments so I decided to get my new toy out for the first time. Just got it back from @huskihl after a little massage. Runs great and can't wait to get it broke in. Also if you're looking for someone to do some port work on a saw Kevin was great to deal with.
Very sharp looking setup!
View attachment 801780 Had an hour or so between taking my mom to Dr.'s appointments so I decided to get my new toy out for the first time. Just got it back from @huskihl after a little massage. Runs great and can't wait to get it broke in. Also if you're looking for someone to do some port work on a saw Kevin was great to deal with.
Your blade is loose :).