Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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TJ, don't know where U R, but I bet my running and biking times would improve there!

I remember being on an extended overnight assignment in Glens Falls NY, and while there I could not believe how my running times improved, then I realized, that even though it is next to the Adirondack Mtns, it is flat as a pancake!
SS, U look different today, did U become an Obama supporter after last night's speech??? (Ha Ha Ha)
:laugh: Nah. I figured you guys would get tired of looking at my ugly mug, so I changed it. I cut the beard off and got even uglier. :nofunny: The wife did ask if I wanted to watch the wind-bag last night. Apparently my dirty looks convey my thoughts pretty effectively. She thought it was pretty funny. Obama supporters we ain't. :D
Yeah, he really looks a lot more American Bulldog when you can see all of him, but there's some pit in there too. He's a great dog. We picked him up as a stray and took him home when he was around 6 months old according the vet. He was skin and bones and 27 lbs. and scared of everything in the world. Had a touch of mange also. Today he's pushing 80 lbs. and is going on 3 years old. He's such a baby that the vet has to use the tiny kitten needles when he get's a shot. It's pathetic really. I love that dog. He's a Momma's boy when we're in the house, but when it's time to go outside and toss the ball, he's all mine. :)

Sorry about your pup. I already know that it will break me when this one goes.
Zog , sorry to hear about your bust up , use the donkey to drag wood next time , it's more productive LOL
They're changing the grading system up here for syrup up here as well to the new grading system .

Ya, I want to try that, but riding..meh..I got me own feets ;)

Need to find some sort of harness/gear. One donkey is shy and a little nuts and kicks too fast at every disturbance, that's the larger one, the smaller one I tried to ride is usually real mellow and friendly and will come when I call, etc.. I think the whole situation freaked out the dogs and donkey too much.

My falling/bailout technique needs some work...HAHAHAHAHA! It was quite unglamorous...

No idea why I tried it,just felt like it..never rode a horse/mule/donkey before, even though I have taken care of them on various farms/ranches (no one offered and I never asked...)
Well this post is not syrup related, its scrounge firewood related. I've been borrowing one of my good buddiestwo 2500hd chevy's for my firewood duty for the last two years after my lil s10 died. Today I just struck a deal for a fullsize pickup. Its good to be in the car business once in a while. F150, 300ci straight6, five speed manual, extended cab (back seat for my kids), 136k miles for $400. I almost couldn't pass it up. Came in on trade, I saw it and said to myself, matt that there is your futurefirewood hauler. No more worrying about hurtin a friends truck, you'd be hurtin your own. Best thing is my buddies farm is right down the road from work so all summer I'll be able to load up after work, then drive home...... I'll post a pic in a day or two. Oh yeah UncleMike, now Ericka can't complain about me hurting her SUV going up to the cabin.
Good deal, Matt. It is nice to have a properly sized vehicle for the work you're doing and those I6 Ferds have some decent pullin' power. When I started in this business another mechanic said "Always keep $1000 available because you'll run into one deal after another." I've tried to follow that advice because you never know when a frustrated vehicle owner will sign over a car because a problem convinced him it was time to bail out. I've made some "wicked good" deals over the years.

I was pulling wood out of the wood shed last night and all I could smell was wet Oak. What the??? I'm looking, thinking, then it dawns on me that I'm standing right next to the Oak that I brought home on Saturday. Sheesh. Ok, so it was a long day.
Heck of a deal, Matt! A guy would be hard pressed not to buy two of them at that price.
No doubt! Plenty of low end torque for a 6 and extremely durable. I wish I could find an old F-250 with a straight six. I can still hear that sound.....vvvvvvoooom. Move the distributor until the engine "shivers" slightly at idle for maximum power.
300 with less than 30k miles on a rebuild .
The bad is that the body is rough , frame real good because it was rustchecked but the frame flexes a lot because the rivets for the cross members are stretched or worn .
You can have the truck for free , I keep the dump/winch/rear airbag suspension :)
They were cleaning trees off a drainage ditch bank near my house. A couple dozen trees laid down on Monday night. Aspen and some other type of darker bark that I'm thinking was elm but it was getting dark. All nice 6-12" stuff. Came by yesterday and the whole works was chipped and the pile of chips left on the ditch bank.
don't that, just chap your rear????
Well this post is not syrup related, its scrounge firewood related. I've been borrowing one of my good buddiestwo 2500hd chevy's for my firewood duty for the last two years after my lil s10 died. Today I just struck a deal for a fullsize pickup. Its good to be in the car business once in a while. F150, 300ci straight6, five speed manual, extended cab (back seat for my kids), 136k miles for $400. I almost couldn't pass it up. Came in on trade, I saw it and said to myself, matt that there is your futurefirewood hauler. No more worrying about hurtin a friends truck, you'd be hurtin your own. Best thing is my buddies farm is right down the road from work so all summer I'll be able to load up after work, then drive home...... I'll post a pic in a day or two. Oh yeah UncleMike, now Ericka can't complain about me hurting her SUV going up to the cabin.
year?? and a MAJOR suck...sheeeesh..........
Picked up this old '86 f-250 for $600. Not roadable but it hauled plenty of firewood out and plowed a lot of snow last year. Bought it with chainsaw flippin' money. Never know when one will pop up for sale, they are usually gone pretty quick when they do.


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