SS, U look different today, did U become an Obama supporter after last night's speech??? (Ha Ha Ha)
SS, U look different today, did U become an Obama supporter after last night's speech??? (Ha Ha Ha)
Zog , sorry to hear about your bust up , use the donkey to drag wood next time , it's more productive LOL
They're changing the grading system up here for syrup up here as well to the new grading system .
No doubt! Plenty of low end torque for a 6 and extremely durable. I wish I could find an old F-250 with a straight six. I can still hear that sound.....vvvvvvoooom. Move the distributor until the engine "shivers" slightly at idle for maximum power.Heck of a deal, Matt! A guy would be hard pressed not to buy two of them at that price.
You can use pretty much anything to boil it down. We used to start it out on a wood fire and bring it inside and finish it off on the gas stove top.Curious.....since we've been talking about sugaring, everyone mentions wood fired. Is a propane fired turkey fryer set up not a good idea?
don't that, just chap your rear????They were cleaning trees off a drainage ditch bank near my house. A couple dozen trees laid down on Monday night. Aspen and some other type of darker bark that I'm thinking was elm but it was getting dark. All nice 6-12" stuff. Came by yesterday and the whole works was chipped and the pile of chips left on the ditch bank.
year?? and a MAJOR suck...sheeeesh..........Well this post is not syrup related, its scrounge firewood related. I've been borrowing one of my good buddiestwo 2500hd chevy's for my firewood duty for the last two years after my lil s10 died. Today I just struck a deal for a fullsize pickup. Its good to be in the car business once in a while. F150, 300ci straight6, five speed manual, extended cab (back seat for my kids), 136k miles for $400. I almost couldn't pass it up. Came in on trade, I saw it and said to myself, matt that there is your futurefirewood hauler. No more worrying about hurtin a friends truck, you'd be hurtin your own. Best thing is my buddies farm is right down the road from work so all summer I'll be able to load up after work, then drive home...... I'll post a pic in a day or two. Oh yeah UncleMike, now Ericka can't complain about me hurting her SUV going up to the cabin.