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Did it come with the plow, clint? That's a pretty awesome deal also.
Find a different rear end or do you do gears?1993 Ford F150. I'm thinking Im going to have to swap some real gears into the rear. 3.08 right now, thinking 3.55 or 3.73 for some more grunt, don't want to go 4.10 steap.
wudpirat, that must have been interesting figuring out how much tax to give Uncle Sam for all those "trades" . Of course Uncle Sam wasn't there splitting the wood, installing the tranny or doing anything so maybe he shouldn't even be getting a share. I got into a pretty heated argument with a tax auditor a few years ago over a "bonus" I didn't claim as Income for the year. Customer gave us a bonus on a job because we did the job over the long weekend and got it done without disturbing their long weekend. I told the young prick that because none of those bastages were working that weekend that they shouldn't be getting any of my bonus. He was not amused and I lost the audit big time. Now it's cash or trade for bonuses or they can just keep it.
i still take bonuses when they are offered. i then figure out what the bonus was and buy the guys breakfast or lunch a few times on the company's dime. its still a write off because i spent it on my employeesI would still take the bonus and put it on the books rather than lose it completely. Paying income tax on it is better than not having it at all, or buy more toys to offset the additional income
If you can swap gears and set things right so they don't whine excessively then you are the man.Steve swapping the gears isn't that big of a deal.
true dat,,but it aint a ford it???Steve swapping the gears isn't that big of a deal.