My small front garden is looking more and more like a wood yard or a landing at the moment....I got the 365 out of hibernation and finally got it started...after flooding it ...I then ran a tank of fuel through it ...after sharpening the chain...after finding a nail first f&&&ing cut . I've learnt...when you get wood from a tree service and a piece has a cut a 1/3 or so through then stops, it stops because the tree guy hit metal or a stone (usually metal) so DON'T try and finish the cut. I knew the pine had metal in it, in splitting the stuff I found 3 or four massive screws or nails which the tree guy had been lucky enough to avoid...but we all know how chainsaws are magnetically drawn to buried metall...I know all why did I think 'I'll risk it, and just try and finish this cut.....oh &*%$....where's the file?' still, I managed to cut a slot in a chunk to hold the bar and found the file in seconds....and the bar had juddered/kicked on hitting the metal so most cutters just needed a few strokes....4 or so spaced around the chain needed more like 15 strokes but then I was cutting last
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Well that's pretty much all the stuff that was too large to move without risking a hernia or perforated disc now ringed up....or i thought it was...then i noticed one large log left as i was putting the saw away
oh least its an excuse to get the big saw out again soon.
Ah yes, the perils of 'free' scrounge.
What did Londonwife think of the mess you made of the front yard?