Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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With his infinite wisdom our governor has deemed car sales non essential and closed all dealers.:dumb2: repair shops can stay open. People are pis$ed. This is a sign in my hometown.
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Come over to NY you can buy a car anyday . Even Sunday which you were never able to do in PA
I'm very conservative by nature . But if you think this would have been just another flu season without these drastic measures . Your sorely mistaken. My cousin is a nurse in NYC. Its freaking bad still

Wawa, our regional convenience store, donated two refrigerated 55’ trailers to our hospital 1 mile away to store the body’s.Sister is a nurse practitioner and she’s got horror stories for days
I'm very conservative by nature . But if you think this would have been just another flu season without these drastic measures . Your sorely mistaken. My cousin is a nurse in NYC. Its freaking bad still
I agree, my wife is an RNCDE on the front lines, and it isn't pretty!

My niece runs a home for handicapped elderly, and one of the residents has it, so now she has it too!

Hey @Philbert , have you seen the multivolt chainsaw hitachi/hikoki/metabo hpt are doing? They have a range of 18/36v tools that you can plug what looks like a dummy battery that's mains powered into it when you are close to a power outlet. Interesting.
Have not seen those (yet).

Dewalt has some multi-volt batteries, and Makita has some 18+18=36V stuff.

Very creative engineering going on.

Did another chunk of pole saw work on the roadway. Close to 1/4 mile, both sides of the road. Enrolled my oldest son to pitch brush. This stretch is one of the few areas around that has quite a bit of oak and maple. Cutting a 2-3” hardwood limb with the saw fully extended sure takes some energy. Then you get to a big balsam and need to cut 20 plus limbs off the damn thing. And with those ones gone, now the branches around them will wrap back around the tree into the open air. Hate those things.

My back is pretty tight. Going to hit the sauna shortly.

One more stretch to go. The shortest stretch but a lot of cutting to do as the end of the road historically got very little attention and as a result is very grown in.
I'm very conservative by nature . But if you think this would have been just another flu season without these drastic measures . Your sorely mistaken. My cousin is a nurse in NYC. Its freaking bad still
Homeless shelter in Boston, 397 tested, 146 positive and NONE of those positives showed symptoms. Test, Test, and test some more.
Tomorrow we find out of the govt here is gonna reduce our alert level. Our community testing is relatively high but I still worry about the asyms spreading it and would prefer we had greater testing before they ease up the restrictions.
Hey fellas does anyone run a 661? I was thinking of selling my 066 and 044-046 hybrid and getting one. I’m not sure if it’s worth it. Not sure if there’s much advantage with the 661 over the 066
Personally I would much prefer the 661over the 660, I’m a big fan of the electronic carbs and spring AV.

A ported 462 might be a good option? Unless milling or constantly in big wood, I don’t have much experience with hard wood though. Even stock 462 isn’t too far behind a 661, and filter stays clean quite a bit longer.
All cleaned up after a days work. Man this thing is a riot !!

Sent while firmly grasping my redline lubed RAM [emoji231]
Homeless shelter in Boston, 397 tested, 146 positive and NONE of those positives showed symptoms. Test, Test, and test some more.
Tomorrow we find out of the govt here is gonna reduce our alert level. Our community testing is relatively high but I still worry about the asyms spreading it and would prefer we had greater testing before they ease up the restrictions.
Been a lot of wrong tests done here so hard to know for sure. Other covid like the common cold give false positive results. So now they are cracking down some on the flight by night outfits sucking federal teet.
No scrounging today. Instead I did some maintenance on the truck. The new tires are rubbing the front bumper on certain turns, depending on if the body flexes. I shimmed the bumper out with a few washers, but it wasn't enough. Gonna used some bolts this time and move her out an inch or so.

Also snagged another 254 off FB. I hope shes as clean as she looks in the pictures.
Final clean up day at this spot on the farm today. Raked up all the bark and splitting junk. A couple of ranger loads of stuff.

19th Apr 1.jpg

Found this little guy under there, the deadly drop-frog, doing whatever it is frogs do.

19th Apr 2.jpg

19th Apr 3.jpg

Split up the rest of the smallest blue gum log and lit another fire for good measure. The peppermint in the background will be the next load.

19th Apr 4.jpg

19th Apr 5.jpg

Then there's the next scrounge location. Mitch said I could have these. A peppermint, a small white gum and several more blue gum logs.

19th Apr 6.jpg

Heading out again now to check on my fires and load up the remaining peppermint. These logs will be for another day.

Working on weights to build back some strength in the arms shoulders. I've got a couple 5lb hand weights and today fixed two buckets with a gallon of water each for curls coming off the floor.

I've got to get back to where I can effectively pull a starting cord! Does anyone have a cite to some good exercises usuing such equipment?

Loading up the truck tomorrow to go on the locust scrounge on Monday. 4 or 5 small locusts up on a steep sidehill that have to be riggled to pull away from a fence. I'm taking the 16" ladder in two pieces, one to climb up the bank, the other to get the cable into the tree. 362/16", 210/16" and 193T/14". Tim, the owner. has been warned he may be my saw starter.

Pretty much a dead day tomorrow so I may start moving wood into the shed and porch for the winter supply, A bit early but I gotta keep active.
Working on weights to build back some strength in the arms shoulders. I've got a couple 5lb hand weights and today fixed two buckets with a gallon of water each for curls coming off the floor.

I've got to get back to where I can effectively pull a starting cord! Does anyone have a cite to some good exercises usuing such equipment?

Loading up the truck tomorrow to go on the locust scrounge on Monday. 4 or 5 small locusts up on a steep sidehill that have to be riggled to pull away from a fence. I'm taking the 16" ladder in two pieces, one to climb up the bank, the other to get the cable into the tree. 362/16", 210/16" and 193T/14". Tim, the owner. has been warned he may be my saw starter.

Pretty much a dead day tomorrow so I may start moving wood into the shed and porch for the winter supply, A bit early but I gotta keep active.

Lots of exercises you can do but if you're wanting to be able to start a saw, this is the one you need to do. You can do it with a bucket just as well as a dumbbell.

Yes, it is me :muscle:
Working on weights to build back some strength in the arms shoulders. I've got a couple 5lb hand weights and today fixed two buckets with a gallon of water each for curls coming off the floor.

I've got to get back to where I can effectively pull a starting cord! Does anyone have a cite to some good exercises usuing such equipment?

Loading up the truck tomorrow to go on the locust scrounge on Monday. 4 or 5 small locusts up on a steep sidehill that have to be riggled to pull away from a fence. I'm taking the 16" ladder in two pieces, one to climb up the bank, the other to get the cable into the tree. 362/16", 210/16" and 193T/14". Tim, the owner. has been warned he may be my saw starter.

Pretty much a dead day tomorrow so I may start moving wood into the shed and porch for the winter supply, A bit early but I gotta keep active.
I have some rubber straps that have a molded block on one end. You can put them anywhere in a door frame, close the door, and do any pulling exercise. You could put put it between the floor and door and pretty much duplicate the pulling stroke of starting a saw on the ground. I’ll see if I can find the name.