Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Was making great progress this morning then boom, stupidity in full force.

I was working on the new to me truck. I thought I was cutting the broken ebrake cable. I accidentally cut the shifting cable. So a number of bad words were said then I got along with my day.

Truck is washed up and washed out. Just debating putting the tool box from my other truck on it.

Hey fellas does anyone run a 661? I was thinking of selling my 066 and 044-046 hybrid and getting one. I’m not sure if it’s worth it. Not sure if there’s much advantage with the 661 over the 066

A 661 has computer control and Spring AV and they generally run a lot stronger than a stock 066 (and most BBs don't impress me).

The 044/046 is (IMO) much more versatile, as generally medium weight with good power.

I guess it depends on what you are planning to do with it. If you buck a lot of large wood, the 661 option would make a lot of sense.

I guess is also depends on how both of your other saws run. Who did the hybrid?
A 661 has computer control and Spring AV and they generally run a lot stronger than a stock 066 (and most BBs don't impress me).

The 044/046 is (IMO) much more versatile, as generally medium weight with good power.

I guess it depends on what you are planning to do with it. If you buck a lot of large wood, the 661 option would make a lot of sense.

I guess is also depends on how both of your other saws run. Who did the hybrid?
Thanks for the info Mike. The hybrid came from Deets 066 that use to be on here not sure if he still is
I keep telling people that and they don’t seem to get it. I was jokingly wearing my duel cartridge respirator for a few days, it has p100 cartridges. They kept telling me the news said not to use the respirator, they don’t work as good as an N95 mask. I would say their mask is N95, catches 95% of particulates. Mine has P100 cartridges and catch 100%. They still argue, if you don’t wear it right, it doesn’t work. I am/ was a certified HazMat responder and I’m certified in the use of SCBA gear. I know how to wear it. I got so frustrated talking to idiots, I went on line and got one of the testing facilities. They said I should donate my respirator to the front line folks who really need them and use an N95 myself. If they don’t work, why would I donate it. My daughter works in a nursing home. When they got their first positive case, they drew straws to see who gets to work with the Covid patients, she won. She couldn’t work for 3-4 days waiting for her safety gear. Guess what, no N95, that doesn’t pass spec for real people. You might as well stuff two tampons up your nose and keep your mouth shut. They just don’t get it, the masks protect others from them. I just stay way far away from anybody. Rant over for now.
I have a couple of 3m cartridge respirators. Unfortunately they have been used for paint. So they look nasty . I vacuum seal them after each use . Keeps the activated charcoal from absorbing stuff from the air. But I use a fresh air supply hood when I paint. They work for guys like me with beards.
It was sunny and a pretty nice day here today, so my buddy and me turned this,


and most of these,


into this,



It took 2-1/2 tanks through the 562xp, and it ran strong! It even impressed my buddy who runs a 268xp for his big saw. I think it's finally getting enough fuel through it so it's getting broken in and making full power. The more we run that saw, the better we like it.

Now, to get started splitting it all!

My buddy had a 100' plus Poplar fall across his yard. Filled an F350 8'bed, F250 6' bed and my dump trailer. Right at 3 hours start to finish. It was good to get out and cut wood. Plus, all I did was run the saw. The 660 had a new chain on it and it just ran through the Poplar like hot butter. All of the brush held the trunk up off the ground, so we put blocks under it so it couldn't settle to the ground. At about 30 feet the log raised up off the blocks, so made bucking easy. At that point my 25" bar just made it through the log, so I started middling the log in half, then cutting the block off. Then one of the younguns would put a half on a block table, and I'd noodle that to make quarters they could load. While noodling, I got the idea of what I thought would be a funny WTF video about social distancing. I told my friend to stand next to me and get a video of me shooting noodles at his son. His son was about 10 feet away, with his hands over his eyes with noodles spraying all over him. Caption was going to be,"If you are in noodle range, you are too damn close." Well, he stood right behind me, couldn't see the saw, couldn't see the log, could see me big fat back side, and the top of his son's head. So much for a funny vid. The last 6-8 feet of stump did stand back up into the neighbors yard.20200418_105053.jpg20200418_110054.jpg20200418_110136.jpg20200418_134217.jpg
Hey fellas does anyone run a 661? I was thinking of selling my 066 and 044-046 hybrid and getting one. I’m not sure if it’s worth it. Not sure if there’s much advantage with the 661 over the 066

I run a 661 and it is stock. I like it but I've never run an 066 so can't directly compare.
I run a 661 and it is stock. I like it but I've never run an 066 so can't directly compare.
Have you run a 390/4/5?
Was pruning trees with the 42" on my 395 yesterday (good reach). When I started it up the neighbour i thought he was gonna call the police on me.
It was sunny and a pretty nice day here today, so my buddy and me turned this,


and most of these,


into this,



It took 2-1/2 tanks through the 562xp, and it ran strong! It even impressed my buddy who runs a 268xp for his big saw. I think it's finally getting enough fuel through it so it's getting broken in and making full power. The more we run that saw, the better we like it.

Now, to get started splitting it all!

Looks like a really efficient process, SR. Do you have any pics of the bucking please? Every time I have tried this I've had trouble with rounds wrecking my shins or risking breaking ankles walking over the rounds, or tripping and falling off the wagon (ha), etc. I gave up trying to do it but perhaps you have found a way. It sure would save some time and probably some chains.
Cut some more and brought one load home. My mid to upper back it's a bit sore, maybe a pinched nerve or something. Might have to recruit my helpers to get a couple more done.
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Looks like you are getting them just in the nick of time. Another year and they'd be growing mushrooms?
Finally finished my refinishing project on the kitchen table. This is the time of year when free scrounges start popping up but my yard is too wet to get the trailer out or back to the wood pile. I'm hoping to get my racks filled early this year.

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My small front garden is looking more and more like a wood yard or a landing at the moment....I got the 365 out of hibernation and finally got it started...after flooding it :dumb2:...I then ran a tank of fuel through it :chainsaw:...after sharpening the chain...after finding a nail first f&&&ing cut :dumb2::dumb2::dumb2:. I've learnt...when you get wood from a tree service and a piece has a cut a 1/3 or so through then stops, it stops because the tree guy hit metal or a stone (usually metal) so DON'T try and finish the cut. I knew the pine had metal in it, in splitting the stuff I found 3 or four massive screws or nails which the tree guy had been lucky enough to avoid...but we all know how chainsaws are magnetically drawn to buried metall...I know all why did I think 'I'll risk it, and just try and finish this cut.....oh &*%$....where's the file?' still, I managed to cut a slot in a chunk to hold the bar and found the file in seconds....and the bar had juddered/kicked on hitting the metal so most cutters just needed a few strokes....4 or so spaced around the chain needed more like 15 strokes but then I was cutting last :chainsaw:


Well that's pretty much all the stuff that was too large to move without risking a hernia or perforated disc now ringed up....or i thought it was...then i noticed one large log left as i was putting the saw away :dumb2:

oh least its an excuse to get the big saw out again soon. :D
And now hes going to follow New Yorks lead on how to handle this mess. The virus has proven to be nowhere near what the world wide propaganda machine is making it out to be. When we crawl out from under the hand of communism I hope this country wakes up to how easily they were controlled by over reaching government.

It’s all about how densely populated an area is. We’re packed in like sardines here in Delaware County and have 136% more positive cases than you in do in York County. Eastern Pa is much harder hit than central I believe due to a higher population density.Check out the map8C708FA2-AE2D-48AF-9DDA-A4D2C987275E.png
Hey @Philbert , have you seen the multivolt chainsaw hitachi/hikoki/metabo hpt are doing? They have a range of 18/36v tools that you can plug what looks like a dummy battery that's mains powered into it when you are close to a power outlet. Interesting. i love how even on their official NZ website they have what I can only assume is a hyper-saftey chain arrangement :) :
While not here in NZ yet, I do like the metabo hpt 10" multi-volt table saw. Mains power for the sheltered workshop and batteries on the small on-site jobs.

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