Mill 'em, nails be damned.
Bit of lean. Stump is about 3' on neighbours side of fence but 90% leans over to our side. Unfortunately the main of those two leaders that stretch out way over our side is coming back up the hill and I need it going down the hill. Not much fun trying to pull it off it's lay when the wood I'm relying on is under so much tension.

I threw the kitchen sink at it. Before you say anything yes I know stuffed up the soft Dutchman but I realised before I took the picture but found it funny so took the picture anyway. Corrected it (well as much as one can when one stuffs that sort of thing up) afterwards before the backcut.

Despite that stuff-up, there was just enough, and i mean JUST enough to get it started and keep it going but interesting how the wood broke before it even thought of pulling forward on the tension side.

But it held on long enough to just squeak passed our peach trees which is, especially with my stuff up on the face, quite the miracle. Also didn't break any wires on the fence. Wonders never cease. will clean it all up tomorrow.
*edit* Has anyone got any advice how I could have done this better please? Always keen to learn. If it wasn't our own place, I wouldn't have risked this unless the customer signed something, bc it was on the edge of failing the whole time. ;-)

I threw the kitchen sink at it. Before you say anything yes I know stuffed up the soft Dutchman but I realised before I took the picture but found it funny so took the picture anyway. Corrected it (well as much as one can when one stuffs that sort of thing up) afterwards before the backcut.

Despite that stuff-up, there was just enough, and i mean JUST enough to get it started and keep it going but interesting how the wood broke before it even thought of pulling forward on the tension side.

But it held on long enough to just squeak passed our peach trees which is, especially with my stuff up on the face, quite the miracle. Also didn't break any wires on the fence. Wonders never cease. will clean it all up tomorrow.
*edit* Has anyone got any advice how I could have done this better please? Always keen to learn. If it wasn't our own place, I wouldn't have risked this unless the customer signed something, bc it was on the edge of failing the whole time. ;-)