Several storms recently brought windfalls to the community. I have enough trees I don't have to scrounge for my wood. Craigslist locally is loaded with "come take this tree" ads. But, I find plenty of folks who want wood, aren't equipped either mechanically, or physically to handle the trees. I've still sold several cord in the past couple weeks. I did do one remote sawing job - for my Daughter and Son-in-Law. A nice large Maple blew over. The top of it took out three sections of their neighbor's horse fence. I spent one evening limbing out the top and replacing several rails. The horses (all three retired) seemed only casually interested in the noise of the saws, and not at all interested in an escape route from their home.
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Had a great dinner, and back the next day with a bigger saw:
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There is a slope in the lawn at this point, so I kind of kick-rolled them to the fence line where my SIL intends to split and stack this wood. I'm not sure he has a firm grasp of just how much wood this tree is going to make.
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But, I have learned to let kids (34) make their own discoveries. Back on the saw, and I got to this last cut before the single trunk:
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Home again to change out to a bigger bar. Probably could use a bigger saw, but this is the extent of my arsenal.