That's pretty good for that little truck/motor.
I need to get the little 2hp Honda outboard on the trash can to make sure the pump is working, then I also have an older Honda 5.5 outboard I should get upstairs and run as it's been a while. I may someday get something with a 25hp outboard, but that's more than I need unless it is a jested for running in the river, then I'd need at least 110hp

. It can get costly real quick, especially for such a short season, I did however buy a new fishing license yesterday, it fit's the budget

. Hope to take the square back canoe out fishing next weekend with my boy, we had it out on Saturday for a 2hr float trip which was fun, until we got to the end and realized my wife's keys were in the other car where we put in at lol. Nice guy gave me a ride up to the launch, if I would have know he was going to be there I wouldn't have spotted the other car

I think you should tell the neighbor you'll take his boat out to keep everything working properly as long as he pays for the repairs
